Activesupport Testcase Before

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ActiveSupport::TestCase - Ruby on Rails
    This can be used if you have multiple databases or any behavior that needs to be run after the process is forked but before the tests run. Note: this feature is not available with the threaded parallelization. In your test_helper.rb add the following: class ActiveSupport::TestCase parallelize_setup do # create databases end end

Class: ActiveSupport::TestCase — Rails 6-0-stable
    class ActiveSupport:: TestCase parallelize_setup do # create databases end end ... This can be used to drop databases if your app uses multiple write/read databases or other clean up before the tests finish. This runs before the forked process is closed. Note: this feature is not available with the threaded parallelization. ...

Class: ActiveJob::TestCase — Rails 6-0-stable
    Assertion that the result of evaluating an expression is changed before and after invoking the passed in block. #assert_difference Test numeric difference between the return value of an expression as a result of what is evaluated in the yielded block.

ruby on rails - ActiveSupport::TestCase won't run DB ...
    How can I make some code run once per TestCase to setup for ALL tests. It seems setup do is run before each test, but I want to set up for the entire file. How come my example below doesn't work (it won't clear out and re-create the seed data before each test) Code:

rails/test_case_test.rb at master · rails/rails · GitHub
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How do you write a setup method that is executed just once ...
    Nov 26, 2015 · Before is used when you are using spec dsl for minitest, it is equivalent to setup. You can use setup, if you use setup in your test_helper.rb file it 'll be executed once before all tests. setup can also be declared in test classes. Use setup, place a flag and update the flag on first time.

rails/test_case.rb at master · rails/rails · GitHub
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ActionController::TestCase - Ruby on Rails
    ActionController::TestCase will automatically infer the controller under test from the test class name. If the controller cannot be inferred from the test class name, you can explicitly set it with tests .

Permit running jobs in system tests by georgeclaghorn ...
    May 16, 2019 · Inherit from ActiveSupport::TestCase instead of ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest. Active Job automatically mixes its test helper into the latter, forcibly setting the test queue adapter before Capybara starts its app server. As a bonus, we no longer need to remove the parts of the ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest API we don’t want to expose.

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