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adOpenDynamic is not declared in VBScript and therefore equals Empty, which gets converted to 0 when you assign the CursorType property. 0 is adOpenForwardOnly, and forward only does not support moving backwards, an ability the Find method wants. You should replace adOpenDynamic with its literal value: Recordset.CursorType = 2 'adOpenDynamic
Here's the problem. The .RecordCount is returning a value of -1. However, I tested the recordset and it is indeed populated. I found the KB article that suggested doing a .MoveLast if I was getting an incorrect value and tried that. That's where I get the "Rowset does not support fetching backward" message.
ADO Error: Rowset does not support fetching backward. Hi, Im trying to open a database though ODBC, This is the code Ive got at the moment.... Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection. Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset. Dim s As String. s = "DSN=SeaODBC-Example;Server=;UID=alvaro;PWD=password;Database=sca;Company=99;".
Try to set "CursorLocation" property of your record set to "adUseClient" (before opening the recordset). This might fix the problem. It might also fix the problem of recordcount showing up as -1
May 05, 2003 · Rowset does not support fetching backward [Resolved] If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed.
Jun 14, 2002 · rowset does not support scrolling backward. 4. DB2OLEDB. 5. Rowset does not support scrolling backward. 6. DBCC MemUsage. 7. Rowset does not support fetching backward with stored procedure. 8. ODBC & Oracle. 9. Rowset does not support fetching backward. 10. Rowset does not support fetching backward. 11.
Mar 11, 2014 · Re: The rowset does not support fetching backwards Not sure why your recordset would be defaulted -- you specified. rsSQL.Open CmdSQL, , adOpenKeyset , adLockOptimistic
Nov 03, 2013 · BTW Unlike DAO, ADODB does not require a MoveLast to get a RecordCount. It does however require a navigable cursor. The ADO default is forward only so you must specify the cursor type either in the Connection or the Recordset.
execute the line rsRecordSet.MoveLast, it errors with the message. "Rowset does not support fetching backward" However, if I comment out. the parts of code to do with the command object, and just simply call. the stored procedure using the record set's open command, it …
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