Find all needed information about Ala Library Support Staff. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Ala Library Support Staff.
Welcome to the Library Support Staff Resource Center! This website was created under the direction of the Office for Human Resource Development & Recruitment (HRDR) and is designed to provide resources of interest for library support staff, paraprofessionals, and those interested in library work. If you have suggestions about resources that you would like to see included, contact Beatrice ...
Edward Martinez tells the history of library support staff in the United States, up to 1989, in "In the Beginning, There was Support Staff . . . " Recent years of this history are charted on a timeline, "Milestones of the Library Support Staff Movement", developed in an online workshop created and facilitated by Ed Gillen. The timeline presents ...
Training Resources. Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) program offers webinars and presentations at conferences across the United States, which are often archived and available to the public on YouTube. The ALA Online Learning project connects library employees with a wide range of online training. Click on “Online Learning News” to access a list of webinars.
National Paraprofessional Associations ALA Library Support Staff Interests Round Table (LSSIRT) ALA Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR)National Paraprofessional Associations for library workers
Welcome to LSSC. What is the LSSC? LSSC is designed to recognize the value and accomplishments of Library Support Staff. The LSSC Program is managed by the American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA). Who’s it for? LSSC is directed towards those who work in positions in libraries that do not require a graduate degree in Library Science.
The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is a national certification program sponsored by the American Library Association that allows library support staff to demonstrate their competencies and become a Certified Library Support Staff (CLSS). LSSC was developed by grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is an ALA approved program that recognizes the achievement of library support staff who work in libraries. It is based on ten competency sets or skills that are appropriate for academic and public library support staff. There are three required competency sets and seven elective competency ...
standardize expectations for academic and public library support staff; give education providers guidance for developing courses or training curriculum; and; help employers articulate job requirements. An LSSC candidate must achieve six of the ten – the three required competency sets and three more of the elective competency sets.
ALA Organizational Chart; ALA Staff Directory; ALA's Hours & Holiday Closures; Ask the ALA Library; Directions. Choice; Washington Office; Marketing & Advertising Opportunities. ALA Mail List Rental; Rights & Permissions. ALA Logos & Guidelines for Use; Work at ALA (Jobs & Internships)
A member ID will not work to see staff-specific material (this includes staff who are members). Forgot your username or password? Use the link to reset your credentials and check your staff email account. Contact help or submit a TrackIt request if you have access issues on the site.
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