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Items and Equipment. As the game progresses you’ll acquire gold you can spend on powerful items that improve your champions performance on the Fields of Justice. Items can provide all manner of useful bonuses such as faster movement, improved damage, increased durability, reduced ability cooldowns, etc.
Icon Name HP Recovery and Status Restoration Senzu Bean Recover all HP and remove all allies' status effects Dende Recover all HP and remove all allies' status effects Android#8 Recover 70% HP and all allies' DEF+50% for 2 turns Bulma (Future) Recover 70% HP and all allies' ATK+25% for 2 turns...
Nov 15, 2011 · Support Items. General strategy guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends premiere strategy discussion and tools. Help Support Our Growing Community. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in ...
The problem with support itemization is that there simply aren't enough choices available to supports. When basically every support is building + , either those items are completely OP or there just aren't enough viable alternatives. You can certainly argue was OP on release. But afte
Sep 12, 2019 · All items have their real prices (approximately 10 times their sell value). This is dictated by the game in some other file that I haven't found yet, and so cannot currently be changed. This mod should support all of the items from the free DLC updates, and in theory should support all the items from Iceborne. This hasn't been tested, so expect ...
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