Find all needed information about Annie Support Needs Nerf. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Annie Support Needs Nerf.
If shes fed she can drop Tibbers and delete the adc or anybody in her path in 1 SHOT. if not, she can still drop Tibbers and do a decent amount of health and stun while her team cleans up. The only nerf Annie needs is that her ult should be a skillshot.
New Annie is obviously much stronger than the old one. (the old one is strong too) The problem now is that you have no room to make mistake VS Annie. There are two ways for you to die immediately: 1. Get stun; 2. Get contact with Tibber. This is really desperating. NO room to make mistake. Through
There is nothing really bad about her E so lets move onto the ult. Her ultimate firstly does insane base damage and it has insane scaling and cool down, as well as a terrifying synergy with her passive (which should be at least 6 spells). Thank you for reading my thoughts on …
Jun 11, 2011 · Annie needs a nerf. 1 2 3. Comment below rating threshold, ... Annie would be significantly overpowered, because Soraka heals less than Annie is able to deal damage while having only very low damage by herself (which is mostly focussed around Starfall-spamming and Infuse). So Soraka would need a buff so she is able to keep up with Annie ...
Jul 14, 2011 · Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or …
Jul 08, 2011 · Does anyone agree that annie really needs a nerf, tired of dieng in 1 combo. +1 if agree I was watching a saintvicious lesson and he said that against an Annie to go back when she hits level 6 to grab another Doran's so she can't 100 - 0 you if you're a squishy.
Something needs to be done about her, because if a champion is losing in lane and start of mid phase, they shouldn't be able to 1 shot the person they are losing the lane too, otherwise what's the point in trying to win a lane against her when she's just going to slaughter you the second she gets 2 …
Jun 11, 2011 · I still am amazed how in the patch preview they said "Annie at lvl6 is one of the worst nightmares in the game" and then, other than buffing her late game, they also slightly buffed the early game nerfing nothing whatsoever. She needs a HARD early game nerf. Right now Annie can play super-aggressive on lane and in most cases get away with it.
Jan 28, 2015 · Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or …
New Annie is obviously much stronger than the old one. (the old one is strong too) The problem now is that you have no room to make mistake VS Annie. There are two ways for you to die immediately: 1. Get stun; 2. Get contact with Tibber. This is really desperating. NO room to make mistake. Through
If shes fed she can drop Tibbers and delete the adc or anybody in her path in 1 SHOT. if not, she can still drop Tibbers and do a decent amount of health and stun while her team cleans up. The only nerf Annie needs is that her ult should be a skillshot.
Jun 18, 2014 · In all reality though you can smite tibbers if annie and tibbers are taking a tower get in range of tibbers burn so the tower targets annie. As syndra you can throw tibbers at annie or elsewhere. Or you could focus annie who is relativly squishy.... when annie dies tibbers dies. She does not need a nerf.
Jun 11, 2011 · Annie would be significantly overpowered, because Soraka heals less than Annie is able to deal damage while having only very low damage by herself (which is mostly focussed around Starfall-spamming and Infuse). So Soraka would need a buff so she is able to keep up with Annie. There are 77 champions fighting on the Fields of Justice.
Jul 08, 2011 · Does anyone agree that annie really needs a nerf, tired of dieng in 1 combo. +1 if agree I was watching a saintvicious lesson and he said that against an Annie to go back when she hits level 6 to grab another Doran's so she can't 100 - 0 you if you're a squishy.
Aug 25, 2012 · I'll tell you what if I play vayne, varus, ashe or any of those characters i should be able to 2 hit annie right? NOPE only annie has that power man didn't you know that? I can stand here without a doubt in my mind and tell you that annie definitely needs a nerf. A BIG ONE I still stand firm without a doubt she needs one
Her q does stupid damage and considering the fact that tibbers was buffed in the mage update she basically has a kogmaw passive that does more damage than kogmaw. It's pretty stupid, I saw my adc take 1100 damage from tibbers after we killed annie. A nerf idea would be to not make tibbers rampage after she dies, and just have it die with her.
There is nothing really bad about her E so lets move onto the ult. Her ultimate firstly does insane base damage and it has insane scaling and cool down, as well as a terrifying synergy with her passive (which should be at least 6 spells). Thank you for reading my thoughts on Annie{{champion:1}} (rito plz nerf …
Jun 11, 2011 · I still am amazed how in the patch preview they said "Annie at lvl6 is one of the worst nightmares in the game" and then, other than buffing her late game, they also slightly buffed the early game nerfing nothing whatsoever. She needs a HARD early game nerf. Right now Annie can play super-aggressive on lane and in most cases get away with it.
If shes fed she can drop Tibbers and delete the adc or anybody in her path in 1 SHOT. if not, she can still drop Tibbers and do a decent amount of health and stun while her team cleans up. The only nerf Annie needs is that her ult should be a skillshot.
New Annie is obviously much stronger than the old one. (the old one is strong too) The problem now is that you have no room to make mistake VS Annie. There are two ways for you to die immediately: 1. Get stun; 2. Get contact with Tibber. This is really desperating. NO room to make mistake. Through
There is nothing really bad about her E so lets move onto the ult. Her ultimate firstly does insane base damage and it has insane scaling and cool down, as well as a terrifying synergy with her passive (which should be at least 6 spells). Thank you for reading my thoughts on …
Jun 11, 2011 · Annie needs a nerf. 1 2 3. Comment below rating threshold, ... Annie would be significantly overpowered, because Soraka heals less than Annie is able to deal damage while having only very low damage by herself (which is mostly focussed around Starfall-spamming and Infuse). So Soraka would need a buff so she is able to keep up with Annie ...
Jun 18, 2014 · Annie seriously needs a nerf. 1 2 3. Comment below ... rank #19 yasuo NA and rising, and the only champion that can beat me at mid is annie. I understand yasuo is a very strong laner, and maybe annie is just stronger. ... One full rotation and you're probably dead. The AP ratio buff amps this up in mid-late game even further. Support annie did ...
Something needs to be done about her, because if a champion is losing in lane and start of mid phase, they shouldn't be able to 1 shot the person they are losing the lane too, otherwise what's the point in trying to win a lane against her when she's just going to slaughter you the second she gets 2 …
Jun 11, 2011 · I still am amazed how in the patch preview they said "Annie at lvl6 is one of the worst nightmares in the game" and then, other than buffing her late game, they also slightly buffed the early game nerfing nothing whatsoever. She needs a HARD early game nerf. Right now Annie can play super-aggressive on lane and in most cases get away with it.
Jan 28, 2015 · Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or …
Why zed needs a nerf. efol00 (EUNE) ... So i'm gonna list out few things to support my opinion. 1. Laning against zed: Laning against zed is probably the hardest thing after laning against Annie. He's q deals really high damage and hes w and thunder lord just adds damage to it even more. When Zed hits level 3 laning just gets crazier ...
Aug 28, 2018 · League of Legends’ latest patch that’ll soon be released has a change that reverts an old Annie nerf many players might’ve not even been around for when it was first implemented.Years ago ...
Source: Facechecking the brush is dangerous, and so is facechecking the web. Other websites may not be as well-warded as ours, so please use your best judgement when clicking on unknown links.
It is time to nerf Annie Annie's kit is one of the easiest in League of Legends. Her role as an AP mid laner is to burst someone down and all she needs is some ap …
Jul 08, 2011 · Does anyone agree that annie really needs a nerf, tired of dieng in 1 combo. +1 if agree I was watching a saintvicious lesson and he said that against an Annie to go back when she hits level 6 to grab another Doran's so she can't 100 - 0 you if you're a squishy.
Jul 08, 2014 · I can agree, she needs massive nerf. Annie was playing support most of our team was far ahead and what happened?Annie with just 250 ap(2 off and 2 supp items) just dealt 2137 dmg with a combo not mentioning tibbers almost killed rest of my team. Sorry but this is broken.
Jan 28, 2015 · Annie is a counter for Yasuo. And of course you'll lose if you instalock a champion so easy to counter. Usually you need to pick top and mid if you're 5th and 4th pick or if they already picked a mid/top. And try to counterpick, or pick a champion you're really good at.
Jan 08, 2014 · Ancient Coin is the strongest of the 3 new support starts on almost all champions, especially ranged ones, after the nerf to Relic Shield, except for Annie. Her 625 aa range and great AP ratios make Spellthief's Edge my preferred choice, but both are strong.
Mar 14, 2011 · LoL forum thread "Irelia really needs nerf.". Share & discuss your favorite strategy guide or build on our League of Legends Forum! ... You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month! ... Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius ...
Oct 04, 2019 · Contact Support . Follow ... Nerf Black Annie & Blightbeard. anecorbie on Oct 4, 2019 wrote: Having tried to fight both these instances ( solo & duo ) I must say that they need a nerf. I don't usually ask for one, but there are reasons why it ought to be considered.
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Thus, She needs a cs lead or kills to snowball in the early game. nerfing annie's aa makes her laning phase much weaker, which greatly eliminates her ability to get an lead in the early game. I would like to hear your thoughts on this change as well.
Source: Facechecking the brush is dangerous, and so is facechecking the web. Other websites may not be as well-warded as ours, so please use your best judgement when clicking on unknown links.
Technical Support; Darius need a nerf (seriously) Darius need a nerf (seriously) LFDlayqNGn (EUW) submitted in Technical Support. i suggest these not becuz i have lose alot againts him and cant win or something like that. I played with him myself and yes he need a nerf WHY? 1. First his Q's Blade is pretty big more (more than 50% of the ...
It is time to nerf Annie Annie's kit is one of the easiest in League of Legends. Her role as an AP mid laner is to burst someone down and all she needs is some ap …
How to nerf Annie (Mechanically) ... Another way to nerf support annie is to make the stacks for the stun dissipate gradually if you don't use the stun. This should prevent the endless zoning and open up some counter play. ... Pick a card also costs less mana than what Annie needs to get another stun. TF also has a global ult, a slow, etc.
nefr this shit annie thanks.
Jul 19, 2019 · Annie Support vs Sylas - KR Master Patch 9.14 ... rito nerf Inting Sion pls - Duration: 10:03. ... 5 THINGS EVERY ANNIE NEEDS TO KNOW!!
Dec 15, 2013 · Even though i like her mid, she needs to get a nerf. Laning against annie is no fun when she just insta gibs you at lvl 2. EDIT: Seeing as people lack reading skills this is about support Annie, which needs to be wiped of the map. I like Annie mid, but i'd rather have her be eve'd then constantly playing against her bot.
Jan 09, 2020 · Support until we hit 10 minutes, then SKIP TO BEAST MODE!! THIS IS THE NEW SEASON 10 LOL META !! LIKE THIS VIDEO! ... SUPPORT CHO'GATH 11K HP THIS NEEDS A NERF !!! - BIGGEST CHO'GATH EVER Godzu ...
Jul 08, 2014 · I can agree, she needs massive nerf. Annie was playing support most of our team was far ahead and what happened?Annie with just 250 ap(2 off and 2 supp items) just dealt 2137 dmg with a combo not mentioning tibbers almost killed rest of my team. Sorry but this is broken.
This is just a nerf to annie ult. E changes are a bit better but if I'm being honest, its not the greatest. The buff takes out the reason people should be using E, as a defensive spell. Instead its going to just be used as a speed boost which I dont think would be healthy. (but needs testing I guess).
Jan 28, 2015 · Annie is a counter for Yasuo. And of course you'll lose if you instalock a champion so easy to counter. Usually you need to pick top and mid if you're 5th and 4th pick or if they already picked a mid/top. And try to counterpick, or pick a champion you're really good at.
Source: Facechecking the brush is dangerous, and so is facechecking the web. Other websites may not be as well-warded as ours, so please use your best judgement when clicking on unknown links.
May 27, 2011 · I don't se a point on Annie's buff neither on vayne's nerf. Vayne was strong but not op. People used to run when vayne was near that's why she used to be really strong. Now that people are not afraid of her she dies easly and the nerf is pointless. Brand is …
Jul 11, 2011 · Oh no, Annie did a whole 300 damage at level 5, quickly, stop all of the game, all of it, so we can nerf Annie, since no other character could match this damage output ever, ever. (At this point, Garen's spin should do somewhere around 400-500 with the right masteries and runes, if …
Jan 08, 2014 · Ancient Coin is the strongest of the 3 new support starts on almost all champions, especially ranged ones, after the nerf to Relic Shield, except for Annie. Her 625 aa range and great AP ratios make Spellthief's Edge my preferred choice, but both are strong.
Why zed needs a nerf. efol00 (EUNE) ... So i'm gonna list out few things to support my opinion. 1. Laning against zed: Laning against zed is probably the hardest thing after laning against Annie. He's q deals really high damage and hes w and thunder lord just adds damage to it even more. When Zed hits level 3 laning just gets crazier ...
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