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Custom URL schemes provide a way to reference resources inside your app. Users tapping a custom URL in an email, for example, launch your app in a specified context. Other apps can also trigger your app to launch with specific context data; for example, a photo library app might display a specified image.
Oct 01, 2015 · The support url links to a page maintained by the app developer. Its purpose is to allow users to get in contact with you if they experience problems, desire new features or want to ask questions about your app.
Changing Support URL in iTunesConnect. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 1 month ago. Active 4 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 3k times 1. Is it possible to change the Support URL for an App at any given time, even during App Review or after it has been approved without having to upload a new version or binary? I …
An 'update' for anyone who may be interested, I decided to delete my app off a registered phone and then purchased it from the app store. I now have visibility to ratings (which makes sense), and the Support url (which makes less sense - especially since iOS 9.3.5 allowed a store browser to see the support url without making a purchase).
The marketplace URL is the direct link to install your app from the Apple App Store. To add your Apple App Store URL to your landing page: Log in to your iTunes Connect account. Click My Apps.; Click on your relevant app.
The support URL will appear as "Support for ", while the Marketing URL will appear as "Web site of ". In the "iTunes App" the two URLs, plus the "Privacy URL", will appear on the left (below the icon) in the LINKS section (the marketing URL will be called "Developer Web Site". A similar (but more visible) link to "Developer Web Site" is in the "App Store section" of the devices.
Note: To support more links without updating your app, you should define a URL mapping that supports URLs that you'll add in the future. Also, remember to include a URL for your app home screen so it's included in search results. To verify your URL mapping works properly, enter a URL in the Check URL Mapping field and click Check Mapping. If it ...
Contact an app developer. Get help with apps that you purchased or downloaded in the App Store that aren’t made by Apple. Find contact information. Search for more topics. Search Support Clear Search. Featured apps. Safari. Photos. Mail. Pages. iMovie. Numbers. Clips. QuickTime. GarageBand. Books. Keynote. iBooks Author. Classroom. Music Memos.
The SAP Support Portal is SAP's award winning customer-facing website, which provides access to support tools, services and applications, as well as related documentation and community content.
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