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AptaFund is the configurable online fund accounting and business management software system that’s perfect for school systems that need a straightforward, easy-to-use system. With AptaFund, you can lead your school to financial success by: Bringing HR data into one system with your Financial data.
AptaFund is the web portal into the AptaFund financial package. Click on the links below for more information. Check here for a description of updates to this online help. Click here for the update release notes & tech notes.
Oct 24, 2019 · AptaFund is a fast growing cloud-based Accounting-Finance software, it is designed to support medium and large size business. AptaFund received a rating of 3.6 from ITQlick team.3.6/5(1)
Chart of Accounts Overview. AptaFund features a flexible account organization. You control the format and contents of account codes by establishing an account structure, defining the elements that will make up the account code for that structure, and defining values for each element.
The quality and timeliness of support is an important parameter while comparing QuickBooks with AptaFund. QuickBooks offers Phone, live support as support to its customers while information regarding support is not available in AptaFund.
Rollover Payroll Cycles & Periods. The Rollover Payroll Cycles and Periods command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions. The current version of this document may be downloaded from at Downloads > Documentation > Division = …
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