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The Climate Questionnaires yield a score on a 7-point scale which indicates the degree to which health care providers, instructors, managers, or coaches are perceived to be autonomy supportive. Higher scores indicate greater perceived autonomy support. Each questionnaire can be used either in a long, 15-item version, or a short 5-item version.
Validation of the Perceived Parental Autonomy Support Scale (P-PASS). Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 47, 251-262. References. Bureau, J. & Mageau, G. A. (2014). Parental autonomy support and honesty: The mediating role of identification with the honesty value and perceived costs and benefits of honesty. Journal of Adolescence, 37, 225 ...
OĞUZ / Developing a Scale for Learner Autonomy Support 2189 Autonomy support by teacher in learning environ-ment could bring some benefits. Autonomy support received by individuals from their environments is known to positively affect satisfaction of their basic psychological needs which in …
The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of Perceived Autonomy Support Scale for Exercise Settings (PASSES; Hagger et al., 2007) from teacher and from peers in Turkish context. It was conducted with volunteer university students. 230 university students completed PASSES from teacher, and 142 university students completed PASSES from peers. Each scale has 12 items ...
Objective: The study aimed to develop a perceived autonomy support scale for exercise settings (PASSES) in young people.. Design: Cross-sectional questionnaire survey.. Methods: In Study 1,432 school pupils responded to an initial pool of perceived autonomy support items with physical education (PE) teachers as the source of support.The validity of the initial factor structure of the PASSES ...Cited by: 183
The perceived autonomy support scale for exercise settings (PASSES): Development, validity, and cross-cultural invariance in young people
Jul 09, 2015 · Mean scale scores demonstrated significant differences between the level of education and perceived autonomy support for the overall, surgeon, and medical oncologist scales (Table 4), with the appearance of a trend toward an inverse relationship with the education level across the scales. Black patients reported significantly higher mean scores ...Cited by: 9
Aug 05, 2016 · Using the quasi-experimental design, this study examined the effect of autonomy support on self-determined motivation in elementary school physical education (PE) students. One hundred and twenty six participants were assigned to either the autonomy support group (n = 61) or the control group (n = 65) for a six-week intervention period.Cited by: 7,%202015.pdf
Some scales do assess autonomy support but they do so by only measuring the provision of choice (e.g., involvement in family decision making; Brody, Moore, & Glei, 1994). By reducing the meaning of autonomy support to the provision of choice, such scales give the impression that autonomy support means “to let adolescents make their own ...
Dec 31, 2007 · They interfere with students' perceived autonomy or put differently, with their self-regulation. Any factor that fosters an internal locus of causality (I-PLOC) will enhance intrinsic motivation. Encouraging self-initiative, providing choice and stimulating experimentation are examples of this. ... autonomy support (16) basic needs (26) beliefs ...
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