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Local services and teams » BaNES Learning Disabilities service In B&NES we have a Complex Health Needs Service (CHNS) where Clinical Psychologists work with adults with a learning disability; adults with a diagnosis of autism (including with no learning disabilities); young people in transition with complex needs but no clear diagnosis.
Support for people with learning disabilities. ... The services will still provide the same support, be funded in the same way and in most cases you will continue to see the same colleagues as you have seen before. ... it is really important that you get the support you need as well. Contact BANES Carers' Centre for an informal discussion.
If you are looking after someone with learning disabilities there is also support available for you. Virgin Care Services Limited will provide the majority of the services previously provided by Sirona Care & Health from 1 April 2017.
The Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disability Inclusion Panel (SENDIP) is a non-statutory route which supports children in their early years by arranging and implementing a package of support …5/5(4)
The Educational Psychology Service (EPS) provides consultation, assessment and advice to schools, early years settings and other providers, for children and young people with complex educational needs. We aim to improve learning outcomes for children and young people by the application of psychology.2.8/5(31)
Find out what regular groups we run at our Children's Centres for all families with children under five years old. You can also contact us for further support and we can refer you to one of our courses or programmes. Groups for all We run the following groups every week. Check your nearest Children's Centre to see where they are located, as well as the days and times of the groups.
Home » Services » Schools colleges and learning » Support for Parents/Carers (Educational) Support for Parents/Carers (Educational) Help with extending your child's learning experience. You might find the information and support detailed on these pages useful alongside your child’s journey through education. ... Family Information Service ...1.8/5(6)
The workshop content will be the following: - To create a strategic vision for a whole school approach to Wellbeing and Personal Development as part of the Somerset Wellbeing Framework - To explore ways to link RSHE with other statutory guidelines - To gain an overview of RSHE statutory policy and curriculum guidelines for schools and the principles of best practice - To develop an RSHE Policy ...
Take at look at our useful information pages for more information about home care. ... Local support services BANES Dementia Support BANES Support for Learning Disabilities Bath Diabetes Support Group Bath Stroke Support Group Directory of Services for Bath & NE Somerset Peggy Dodd Centre Local Parkinson's Support .
Carrswood Day Service (Learning Disabilities) Our service focuses on providing opportunities for adults with a Learning Disability, who require a high level of support to learn new skills, gain confidence and learn independent living skills.
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