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Welcome to the Brain Innovation's support site! Below you will find the 5 most recently updated articles: ... Turbo-BrainVoyager SVM Exercise Friday, 06 December 2019. Turbo-BrainVoyager FacesHouses Exercise Friday, 06 December 2019. Turbo-BrainVoyager Getting started guide Friday, ...
So, if you are member of a larger user group (i.e. at least 10 people) who all wish to receive training in the use of BrainVoyager QX, please feel free to send an email to support (at) brainvoyager (dot) com to find out whether a course at your institution can be arranged within the next months.
BrainVoyager contains everything you need for the advanced analysis and visualization of structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and for EEG / MEG distributed source imaging. The powerful C++ software runs natively on all major computer platforms, including Windows, Linux and macOS, and provides an integrated Python interpreter.
Multi-core and multi-processor support and an open architecture with documented file formats. Cross-platform scripting support allowing to analyze the data from many subjects in batch mode. Cross-platform C++ plugin support which makes it possible to extent the functionality of BrainVoyager.
Consult the BrainVoyager support site providing additional information for specific topics and issues. If you have learned how to use the basic features of BrainVoyager, you can expand your knowledge by consulting the following sources of information:
When starting with scripting, in BrainVoyager or in general, please also check out our Getting Started with Scripting in BrainVoyager Guide. This can be found in the “GettingStartedGuides” folder of the BrainVoyager directory or online atthe BrainVoyager support site. Latest update: 15-08-2017 1.1 Location of script files
Python Support Since version 20, BrainVoyager supports an embedded Python interpreter as a new programming environment for scripting and plugin development. As Windows 10 does not come with a pre-installed Python, it needs to be installed on your computer if you want to use Python in BrainVoyager.
BrainVoyager Brain Tutor. is an award-winning educational program that teaches knowledge about the human brain the easy way.The program lets you interactively explore high-quality 3D head and brain models, which can be rotated, moved, zoomed and morphed in real-time.
To run BrainVoyager or Turbo-BrainVoyager, you need a valid (trial) license; details are provided at the respective software page. The Viewer and Brain Tutor programs can be downloaded and used free of charge. For further information, please send an email to "support_at_BrainVoyager_dot_com".
Python Support BrainVoyager 20 supports an embedded Python interpreter as a new programming environment for scripting and plugin development. Python support is marked as experimental in BrainVoyager 20 but version 20.6 offers already decent developer tools and documentation.
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