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May 22, 2019 · International Court of Justice rules that the agreement to separate the Chagos Islands from Mauritius in 1965 prior to decolonisation was unlawful. 22 May 2019 UN defeat for the UK
Sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago is disputed between Mauritius, the Maldives and the United Kingdom.Mauritius has repeatedly asserted that the Chagos Archipelago is part of its territory and that the United Kingdom (UK) claim is a violation of United Nations resolutions banning the dismemberment of colonial territories before independence. The UK government has stated that it has no ...
Feb 25, 2019 · The assembly vote in 2017, following the Brexit referendum, revealed the UK’s international influence to be on the wane, with many EU countries failing to support a fellow member state and even ...
Jun 23, 2017 · In particular, it was of the opinion that the United Kingdom’s continued administration of the Chagos Archipelago “constitutes a wrongful act entailing the international responsibility of that State”, that the United Kingdom “has an obligation to bring to an end its administration of the Chagos Archipelago as rapidly as possible, and ...
Supporting the Chagos Islanders community in exile, and their fight for justice.
The future is unclear, but Great Britain will likely continue to hang on to the islands despite the international pressure against it as long as it perceives doing so to be within its national interest. That may soon change, but until it does, the United Kingdom will be flouting international law and international opinion.Author: Kendrick Foster
This book considers the resonance of international law for the Chagos Islanders. It advances the argument that BIOT constitutes a ‘Non-Self-Governing Territory’ pursuant to the provisions of Chapter XI of the UN Charter and for the wider purposes of international law. ... including criticism and support of its claims process and ...
The Chagos Islands International Football Team was back in action recently, as they beat Surrey national team 3-2 in one of their most impressive performances in years. You can support their continuing success by chipping in to cover travel and equipment costs. In a clo...
Sep 11, 2011 · Book: Chagos: A History – Exploration, Exploitation, Expulsion; SAJ sur Chagos: «Mo napa bluffé kouma ansien Premié minis» James de Montille interviewed the late lamented Fernand Mandarin on behalf of the authors of the recently published book, Chagos A History. Recent Comments. admin on The RAF on Diego Garcia in World War Two
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