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Additionally, child support offices can connect parents to employment and other services to help parents become more self-sufficient and able to pay their child support. Federal Tax Refund Offset Program
At the time of the Federal Tax Refund Offset, Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service mails a Notice of Offset to the noncustodial parent stating that all or part of their federal tax refund has been intercepted because of the support debt. The notice explains to contact the local child support …
Child support falls into something of a black hole when it comes to taxes. It's tax-neutral, meaning that it is neither a deductible expense for the parent who pays it nor taxable income to the parent who receives it. In some states, the court takes into consideration a parent's tax burden when it calculates a support order, but that's the only common ground child support and taxes share.
Federal law determines how any money that is offset from your tax refund will be applied to your child support case. The tax refund offset will be applied in this order: To the State if the children have received cash assistance in the past and a debt is still owed. To the parent owed past-due child support.
State child support agencies submit the names, Social Security numbers, and amounts of past-due support of people who are behind in their payments to the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. The federal office then makes a list of those cases that are eligible for the Federal Tax Refund …
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