Find all needed information about Child Support In Mississippi With Joint Custody. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Child Support In Mississippi With Joint Custody.
In Mississippi, a basic child support formula is used to determine child support amounts. In Mississippi, the child support formula is the same for sole and joint physical custody. Unlike many other states, Mississippi gives no automatic parenting time credit that can reduce your child support amount.
Jan 09, 2019 · Learn about Joint custody and child support in Mississippi today. Quickly find answers to your Joint custody and child support questions with the help of a local lawyer.
There are two types of child custody under Mississippi law: legal and physical. Legal Custody refers to a parent's authority to make decisions relating to the child's health, education, and welfare.Physical Custody refers to the right to have the child reside with or be under the care of one of the parents.. Joint Versus Sole Custody. Within the framework of those two types of custody, there ...
If both parents share custody, does anyone pay child support? Almost always, someone will have to pay child support. Section 43-19-101 of the MS. Ann. Code of 1972 spells out the child support guidelines. Even in joint physical custody situations, someone is ordered to pay child support most of the time.
In Mississippi, there are two types of child custody: “physical custody” and “legal custody.”Physical custody is the period of time in which a child resides with a particular parent, while legal custody refers to the right of a parent to make decisions relating to the health, education and welfare of the child.
Mississippi law expresses a preference for parents to share as equally as possible in the custody of a child in a divorce case. If the court awards joint custody, both parents must jointly make decisions concerning the child's health, education and medical needs.
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