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Colorado Department of Human Services. If you are experiencing error messages or system problems with this website, Updated June 2019
users\[name of user]\Application Data\Custom Legal Software\Colorado Child Support (Windows XP) 4. A red and white icon on your desktop from which you can run the program. The Icon should be entitled "Child Support 2019", not just "Child Support" or "Child Support 2017".
To return to the Child Support site, you will need to shift back to the tab where the Child Support site should still be open. There was a time when both programs were available on the same web site. But a little bird came down and said it would be best to separate the programs into two separate web sites.
To modify child support in Colorado, the change in monthly child support must amount to at least 10%. If a modification is granted, the new child support order will be applied retroactively to the date that you filed your Motion. To file for a modification, there are a variety of forms you may need to fill out, including documents like: ...
This service allows you to pay your State of Colorado Child Support payments electronically and is a service of Value Payment Systems. All payments are charged to your credit card or debit account immediately. The payment will be credited to your child support account after 5:00 p.m. MT two (2) full business days after the payment date.
For questions, please contact Joel Borgman, Child Support Services Coordinator, at For questions about your specific child support order, please contact your local Self-Help Center. We are in the process of translating many of our forms in Spanish.
The Colorado Child Support Guidelines were modified during the 2013 legislative session. The Guidelines set forth below are effective 1/1/2014. The 2016 legislative session made changes to the guidelines effective 1/1/2017. Those changes are shown below in green. Modifications were also made in 2018 effective 8/8/2018. Those changes are shown below in red. Changes to …
Welcome to the Pueblo County Department of HumanServices. We offer programs to help individuals, including mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other caretakers with child support issues. This brochure contains only brief information about child support services. In many cases, interviews are required and you must complete an application with supporting documents.
Our goal is to help children thrive when financial, medical, or emotional support is not being adequately provided by both parents. We help to locate non-custodial parents and will quickly establish paternity and child support orders. We remain active throughout the life …
Child Support Calculators. Call now for advice and guidance before committing to court-ordered child support. 720-722-0776. Parenting Time Related to Child Support. A Colorado family law attorney is essential to help you properly calculate, advise and consider the amounts that you should pay or receive for your child support.4.5/5(9)
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