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This was answered here for ubuntu/rvm combination: How to get Readline support in IRB using RVM on Ubuntu 11.10 I use chruby/ruby-build for the task, with ruby-build it can be done just like that(you can install it even to rvm folder):
Adding Readline support to Pry. If you are on Mac OS X and have problems with either Guard not reacting to file changes or Pry behaving strangely, then you probably suffer under a Ruby build that uses libedit instead of readline. If you are not using Mac OS X or are using JRuby, then you're fine. Option 1: Using a pure Ruby readline implementation
Although, if you download the source and compile Ruby yourself, you can also download readline and compile with readline support instead of libedit. When Ruby uses libedit there are some unimplemented features and some buggy implementations that can be worked around.
Readline was unable to be required, if you need completion or history install readline then reinstall the ruby. You may follow 'rvm notes' for dependencies and/or read the docs page Be sure you 'rvm remove X ; rvm install X' to re-compile your ruby with readline support after obtaining the readline libraries.
Compiling Ruby on Mac OS X uses BSD libedit instead of GNU readline, leading to various problems. Most notably: With libedit it’s not possible to input accented characters (e.g. ÄÖÜ) in irb or pry:
Apr 30, 2012 · pry dislikes ruby compiled without readline (much so) #556. danielb2 opened ... Be sure you 'rvm remove X ; rvm install X' to re-compile your ruby with readline support after obtaining the readline libraries. ... (if some popular hosting provider compiles ruby with no readline support for example). Sign up for free to join this conversation on ...
Sep 09, 2008 · Thanks to Dan Benjamin for his guide to compiling ruby and brianp’s helpful comment about the need for extconf.rb in that same post, my upgrade from ruby 1.8.4 to 1.8.6 went smoothly. Category: Errors By Justin September 9, 2008
Related to Backport21 - Backport #9630: Backport readline-6.3 support. Closed: 03/13/2014: Actions: Related to Ruby master - Bug #9702: r45488以降、SolarisStudioで ext/readline がコンパイルエラー(readline 6.2使用) Closed: 04/04/2014: Actions: Related to Backport200 - Backport #9631: Backport readline-6.3 support. Closed: 03/13 ...
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