Find all needed information about Context Based Recommendation To Support Problem Solving In Software Development. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Context Based Recommendation To Support Problem Solving In Software Development.'_problem-solving_skills_through_context-based_learning
Enhancing students’ problem-solving skills through context-based learning Article (PDF Available) in International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 13(6) · May 2014 with 9,845 Reads
Towards a context-aware IDE-based meta search engine for recommendation about programming errors and exceptions Abstract: Study shows that software developers spend about 19% of their time looking for information in the web during software development and maintenance.
Alexander Felfernig and Gerald Ninaus. Group Recommendation Algorithms for Requirements Prioritization; Igor Steinmacher, Igor Wiese and Marco Gerosa. Recommending Mentors to Software Project Newcomers; Joel Cordeiro, Bruno Antunes and Paulo Gomes. Context-Based Recommendation to Support Problem Solving in Software Development
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Intelligent software agents customize the content of a course for each learner, based on his or her academic profile and interests, aided by context-based recommendation algorithms. This paper provides an introduction to the PERCEPOLIS platform, with focus on these algorithms; and describes the educational research that underpins its design.
COMP SCI 2203 - Problem Solving & Software Development North Terrace Campus - Semester 2 - 2020 ... Critical thinking and problem solving. ... (including prac exams). Application for exemptions based on medical and/or compassionate grounds must be made to the course coordinator. Assessment Detail.
Jun 30, 2010 · Scaffolding for complex problem solving in science: What works better, general strategies or context-based ones? ERN Admin Many middle school students don’t know where to begin when trying to solve problems that are open-ended and vague with multiple solutions or no solutions at all.
The three generic stages below illustrate the inherent nature or “meaning” of problem solving in software development. The process can be thought of as a reduction in abstraction. 1. Problem specification: In the first stage above, we are concerne...
Using a Recommendation System to Support Problem Solving and Case-Based Reasoning Retrieval. Authors; Authors and affiliations ... In Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval (pp. 532–539). New York, NY, USA: ACM. ... (2007). Content-based recommendation systems. In P ...Author: Andrew A. Tawfik, Hamed Alhoori, Charles Wayne Keene, Christian Bailey, Maureen Hogan
Mar 04, 2016 · SurfClipse: An IDE-based context-aware meta search engine. One of our important observations about traditional or ad-hoc approaches is that the technical details or the programming context of an encountered exception is not properly used …
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