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The primary research objective is to design a methodology to support strategic software release decisions. In the Exploration Phase of this study, it is concluded that these decisions are non-routine decisions and, generally, concern the release of newly developed products, or major revisions of existing software products.
strategic software release decisions. In Part 1, Chapters 3 and 4, the results of the Exploration phase are described, with a study of existing theory and seven exploratory case studies. Based on the results obtained, the Release Decision Methodology for strategic software release decisions is designed in Part 2, Chapters 5 through 10.
The decision to release a software product will become an even more complex and important decision. A Software Release Methodology Supporting Strategic Value. Existing methodologies, models, and standards reveal limited guidance for structuring software release decisions in a methodological way tosupport strategic value.
A Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions Hans Sassenburg Software Engineering Institute, Germany Abstract A relatively unexplored area in the field of software management is the implementation or release decision, deciding whether or not a software product can be transferred from its development phase to operational use.Cited by: 1
Design of a Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions (Do the Numbers Really Matter?) By Johannes Anthony Sassenburg. Abstract. Software is a major worldwide industry. Software pervades a multitude of products and is an important corporate asset, with demand still increasing. ... The results are used in a proposed methodology to improve ...Author: Johannes Anthony Sassenburg
Design of a Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions: Do the Numbers Really Matter? Proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Economische Wetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, dr. F. Zwarts, in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderdag 5 januari 2006 om 16.15 uur door
BibTeX @MISC{Sassenburg06designof, author = {Johannes Anthony Sassenburg}, title = {Design of a Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions -- Do …
decomposition, and management, robust/reliability design methods, and extensions of these capabilities into decision analysis methods that support the goals and requirements of NPRs 7120.51, 8000.42 and 8705.53. For convenience, this group of disciplines will simply be referred to collectively herein as Decision Support (DS) methods and tools.Cited by: 2
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