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Feb 28, 2011 · For practical application purposes, out of your list only PNG and GIF images natively support transparency. Bitmap (BMP) files do not inherently support transparency and only some programs (such as Adobe Photoshop) can read an alpha layer (the transparency layer) on a bitmap file.
This support often does not extend to printing, especially to printing devices (such as PostScript) which do not include support for transparency in the device or driver. Outside the world of web browsers, support is fairly hit-or-miss for transparent GIF files. Edge limitations of transparent pixels
Apr 02, 2008 · Tiffs, as far as I am aware, cannot be transparent. You have to save it as a gif. There may be some way to do it, but I know you can't do it in Classic builds of the program. Why do you want to save it as a Tiff? Depending on what you're doing, you might be able to get away with using a clipping path in Photoshop.
Mar 27, 2009 · Anyway, with this sort of weird working, what you have to do is to not worry about transparency at first, it's two things: greyscale TIFFs have a solid background that needs checking, and trapping of the contents of the box, the box itself multiplied by three for each of your components.
The problem may be that TIFFs support two kinds of transparency, background and alpha channel. IM can handle only one and has probably chosen the wrong one. This is a know problem. But if you post a link I can look at it.
Phillip, .tif files do support clipping paths. I've been told that they don't support transparency, but in Photoshop I created a clipping path to export it into Pagemaker. It did what I wanted it to do, tranparentcy and all. At least it looked transparent to me.
May 01, 2017 · Hi all, we currently do not support alpha transparencies in movie formats. I'll note this as a requirement/feature request. As mentioned here already, the workaround would be to render the animation as an image series, choose a file format that supports alpha channels (i.e. PNG or TIFF), check "Inlcude Alpha" and then encode the movie in another application.Reviews: 14
Importing A Tiff with background Transparency - Adobe Illustrator Macintosh. I have Illustrator CS and I am trying to import a tiff with a transparent background. When I open it in photoshop 7 the background is transparent. But when I paste or place it into a layer in illustrator it contains a white background.
Using AutoCAD 2006, I have had some success inserting scanned topographic map images over aerial photos by setting the topo ones to show transparency and selecting white as the transparent color. This way I get aerial photos with the detailed contours and symbols from the topo maps without having to...
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