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Feb 28, 2019 · Last Updated on Feb 28, 2019 by Editorial Staff. This page contains a regularly updated matrix containing details of QTP/UFT version support with …
Is the following QTP limitation the best I can hope for, or is there a workaround? I have QTP 11 with all PB patches installed to test a PowerBuilder 12 application. QTP is not recognizing combo boxes and text boxes, though it does recognize buttons. Instead of capturing combo and text boxes, QTP ca...
I am trying to select the Authorized Signatory field, but instead, UFT does not see the specific element, but the field area Customer Data instead. UFT just references the fields in the area by xy axis, not the specific object. Is this the default behaviour? Additional info: Application is developed in PowerBuilder v11.5. Any input would be ...
Web resources about - Testing Powerbuilder applications with QTP - sybase.powerbuilder.general PowerBuilder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia PowerBuilder is an integrated development environment owned by Sybase , a division of SAP .
Jul 22, 2010 · we upgraded to Power Builder version 11.5 a few months ago. until then I worked with PB 10.0 and QTP 10 and all was going well. Since the upgrade I cannot work with QTP. each run ends with a crash and a crash message from the AUT. this does not happen in any manual scenario. I opened a support case in HP.
Iqbal » Hi Iqbal – currently QTP 11 does not support Silverlight 5. There is an enhancement request for this (QCCR1J22783)and HP support is working on providing support, but there is …
Nov 10, 2019 · It is not a new product of HP, an old product “QTP” QuickTest Professional with new and advance features. Initially, QTP was written by Mercury Interactive and released the first version 5.5 in 2001, later on developed by Hewlett Packard (HP) in 2006. In 2012, HP renewed QTP with the new name UFT; during renewal HP’s UFT version was 11.50.
In opposite direction - first launching web browser and then QTP - IE does not crash, but I still cannot record the test. In Appeon 6.5 for Powerbuilder datasheet I have found an information, that it is possible to test this kind of application using QTP, so I assume, that I …
Hello, I am trying to prepare a test script in QTP11 to test Appeon 6.5 for Powerbuilder. Although I have installed ActiveX, Powerbuilder, Java and .Net add-ins, I cannot record any steps - QTP does not recognize controls inside of the IE8. What is more, when I launch IE directly from the test scr...
The new generation of PowerBuilder keeps everything you love about native PowerBuilder development while supercharging your projects with proven standards and technologies. By upgrading, you will benefit from: Windows 10 Compatibility Instant UI Modernization C# Development & Migration Continued Tech Support. Learn More. News & Events
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