Find all needed information about Does Virgin Media Webspace Support Php. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Does Virgin Media Webspace Support Php.
Webspace is closed. Virgin Media Webspace is now closed. If you’re a current Webspace user, we can understand how disappointed you might feel to lose the service, but there’s something even better in store for you. We’ve teamed up with GoDaddy, a world-leader in Domain Names, Websites and Web Hosting – to bring you savings...
Unfortunately we are no longer offering our Webspace service to new customers. This change won't affect current Webspace users who use the service to host their own websites. If you need help with your Webspace you can find help, hints and tips on how to make the most of the service in our customer forums. Visit Help & Support Forums
Personal Webspace hasn't been available on Virgin Media for a long time now. Unfortunately that reference is out of date. *****
Mar 14, 2016 · Virgin Media is to put its legacy hosting biz Webspace out to pasture, after taking over the service via its acquisition of NTL back in 2006.
VM support have stated that they are working on the integration of their services but pwp related aspects are not a priority. You can keep track of this on the newsgroup. Hope this helped. Paul Daniel P.S. From my little knowledge of php it seems to me that there implementation is quite basic (e.g. no curl).
In a surprise move cable operator Virgin Media has announced that they’re culling their online Cloud storage, Webspace and SmartCall services from 28th April 2016. The loss of Virgin’s Cloud and SmartCall will come as a particular shock since they’ve only been available for …
Just make sure your ISP is web server friendly – Virgin Media is. As well as the cost savings over commerical web hosting, serving your site from home allows: Virtually unlimited storage space. Most ISPs will give you 50-100MB, but a basic home server will give you 1000 times as much disk space.
You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most of the discussions, articles and other free features. By joining our Virgin Media community you will have full access to all discussions, be able to view and post threads, communicate privately with other members (PM), respond to polls,...
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