Find all needed information about Don Steinitz Bad Customer Support. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Don Steinitz Bad Customer Support.
Don Steinitz . Add your review. 2.41 · 264 REVIEWS. Is this your company? ... I didnt pay attention to the bad reviews about Odin because I was happy with a free robot they give out on their website. ... If there is a setting to make it work, Customer service wont tell you other than just use the default option, which doesnt work either. When ...2.4/5(264)
Jan 27, 2010 · There is a delicious exposee of Don's attitude to his clients on this link to the site operated by Donna Forex. Have a peeky. It's a real eye-opener.
Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. Get Started. DON STEINITZ Ripoff Reports, Complaints, Reviews, Scams, Lawsuits and Frauds Reported ...
I was talking about Don Steinitz and his shitty Forex robot. The month of March brought me reasons to feel good and excited. I got introduced to Don Steinitz. I bought the robots and nothing happened. The scam was exposed. I went back to check website to read tall claims made by it. On contacting support desk, I was made to wait for half-an-hour.Location: las vegas, Nevada
May 08, 2012 · Steinitz Robot Trader Scam. Beginner Questions. ... The customer service is poor and the product is trash. I advise all newbies to bypass that product. IMO, ALL robots are scams. If he says his, “system,” never loses then you know for sure it’s a scam he’s selling. ... Don Steinitz was a gambler at the Las Vegas casinos. I agree with ...
Jan 11, 2013 · Complaint Review: Forex Robot Trader - Las Vegas Nevada. Don’t let them Get away with it! Make sure they make ... Don Steinitz is a self taught forex trader turned software guru who makes outlandish claims for the supposed ROI of his forex trading robots (software programs also known as Forex Expert Advisors or EA's). ... My hope is that he ...
Mar 20, 2011 · My note ot Don Steinitz: Don; be honest, be truthful, don't scam people. You will NEVER live a happy life if you are deceitful. Some people call it bad luck, but what ever you sow you will reap. Your destinity is not in your hands, you are accountable. Purge your sins do not lie cheat or steal.
2.5 Customer Support; 3 Pros 4 Cons Vader Forex Robot Review. ... As I mentioned above, the creator Don Steinitz passed away, and he was the lead dog for the entire operation. It is unknown who has taken over in his stead, as they still use his story as the only available information on the about us page.4.6/10
Set a higher standard for customer service and make it a top priority until it's become a permanent fixture in your operations. With this advice, you'll not only be able to improve your reputation in the future, but possibly even win back a few customers who had poor experiences. 2. Leads Don't Convert. Bad customer service kills conversions.Author: Tom Discipio
Feb 10, 2016 · CORPORATE VIDEO- Poor Customer Service Scenario "What not to do" ... CORPORATE VIDEO- Dealing with an Angry Customer Training ... Do's and Don't s of Customer Service - Grocery Store Service ...
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