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The multi store model was first put forward by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968 and helps us consider memory as a system of information flowing through a series of ‘stores’. This article will explain why the multi store model has been so important, its strengths and weaknesses and research that has been conducted since it was introduced.
Evaluation: This is a strength because it provides biological evidence that the different types of memory are processed by different parts of the brain and that the memory stores are distinct as the multi-store model suggests. (2) Point: Case studies of brain damaged patients (e.g. KF) have also offered support for the Multi-Store Model of memory.
The Multi Store Model can be compared to Working Memory (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974). Working Memory replaces STM in the model and provides a more detailed explanation of rehearsal and retrieval from LTM. Most psychologists consider Working Memory to be an improvement and a refinement on the (rather simplistic) Multi Store Model.
Nov 18, 2018 · Key Study: Multi-store Model – The Primacy and Recency Effects Travis Dixon November 18, 2018 Cognitive Psychology 1 Comment The primacy and recency effect (the tendency to remember words at the beginning and ends of lists) is evidence in support of the MSM.
Describe and Evaluate the Multi Store Model of Memory ...Describe and evaluate the Multi Store Model of memory. Refer to evidence in your answer. Atkinson and Shiffrin created the Multi Store Model in 1968. It is a model showing where information is stored and how it is transferred between the Short Term Memory and the Long Term Memory.
So far then evidence from laboratory research into the primacy and recency effect, and evidence from brain damaged patients with anterograde amnesia has provided strong support for the multi store model. There are however cases that the multi store model cannot explain: KF suffered brain damage in a motorcycle accident.
Clive Wearing: A case study to support the Multi-store model of memory Clive Wearing is a case study that demonstrates the multi-store model of memory. Clive has an impaired Short term memory this is shown as he has a poor duration in STM of only 7 seconds.
The model is arguably over-simplified, as evidence suggests that there are multiple short and long-term memory stores, e.g. ‘LTM’ can be split into Episodic, Procedural and Semantic memory. It does not make much sense to think of procedural memory (a type of LTM) as being encoded semantically, i.e. knowing how to ride a bike through its ...
This influence may have originally provided misleading evidence for multi-store views of memory, but more recent work provides important support for unitary views of memory. Although this debate is far from over, it will likely continue to rely on neuroscience to refine, support, and reject psychological theories of memory.Cited by: 24
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