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For multilingual support outside of hours, please leave a voicemail with your name, account number and contact number. Please note that we need you to use a tone phone when calling Customer Service – a tone phone is a phone that sends DTMF tones when dialing numbers.
01. Porting Your Number; If you already have an Australian mobile phone number which you wish to keep, you can transfer it across to gotalk.
GoTalk NOW offers all the essentials you’ve come to expect, plus many unique features that set it apart from any other app! GoTalk NOW offers four mix-and-match page styles: Standard, Express, Visual Scene, and Keyboard. GoTalk NOW gives flexibility and access. Use one or multiple images with unlimited text in any communication location.
GoTalks are battery powered augmentative/alternative communication (AAC) devices used by people who can not communicate well by speaking. Another person (a classmate, sibling or friend, for example) records messages – any messages the user will likely need, in any language, dialect or accent.
GoTalk NOW PLUS GoTalk Now offers adjustable page layouts, customizable navigation, recorded and text-to-speech capabilities and an included symbol set. GoTalk NOW offers three styles of communication pages: Standard, Express, and Scenes. In Standard pages, the action occurs when the location is pressed. In E
Create unique picture and word grids with GoTalk Overlay Software. The program includes many premade grid templates in addition to templates for Attainment’s entire line of GoTalk communication devices. It’s easy to create an overlay! Just select a template, add …
GoTalks provide fantastic sound with volume control, easy sequential recording, a unique function to quickly erase a level, built-in overlay storage, record lock, level lock and 2-year warranty. It’s a GoTalk so it’s easy-to-use and affordably priced! Specifications and Technical Support Size: 23 X 30.5 X 3.5 cm (9 x 12 x 1⅛ inches).
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