Find all needed information about Griffith Portal Support. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Griffith Portal Support.
What are portals Portals are gateways to resources relevant specific activities or groups. For example the myGriffith student portal enables Griffith students locate and access websites and applications related to their studies and life as a Griffith student.
myGriffith is used for up to 500,000 sessions per month making it one of Griffith's most highly visited sites. It is essential myGriffith is managed effectively to support the full diversity of students who use it and the wide range of tasks they use it for.
Learn about the support available to help you get ready for university. ... Staff Portal. Login to Griffith's intranet services. Library. Access library resources, catalogues, databases, workshops and training. Learning@Griffith. ... myGriffith student support. User guide.
Welcome to the Griffith Health Student Support Resources Bank. This resource connects you with the comprehensive range of support services on offer across the University to …
The primary site for Griffith staff is the Staff portal. A link to Staff portal is available at the top of most Griffith webpages to facilitate easy access. Staff portal support
The Student Portal is cross-functional and is focused on student needs not on who delivers the service at Griffith. Decisions regarding Portal changes should be data driven (based on analytics and/or student testing results). Impact on students is to be considered around timing when making changes. Student Portal Steering Committee
Personal support; Personal support. Loading... {{ globalErrorContent }} Access Learning@Griffith here. myGriffith is the student portal. myGriffith is only available to students and some authorised staff members. To access the staff portal, click here. For enquiries, contact us.
Cultural Support Get all the technical assistance you might need Here you will find assistance and resources to help with any technical support you may need while you study. Connect with free computer training via Microsoft online and learn more about the free and discounted software available to all Griffith University students.
Study support ; Personal support ... My courses. Loading... {{ globalErrorContent }} Access Learning@Griffith here. myGriffith is the student portal. myGriffith is only available to students and some authorised staff members. To access the staff portal, click here.
Study support ; Personal support ... Access Learning@Griffith here. myGriffith is the student portal. myGriffith is only available to students and some authorised staff members. To access the staff portal, click here. For enquiries, ...
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