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Abstract. The benefits of a decision support system (DSS) can be subtler than those of other systems. This chapter identifies benefits from various DSSs as described in the literature and categorizes them according to their effects on various phases of the problem-solving process.Cited by: 20
benefits of linking DSS development and application with a ToC approach using an example ... Decision Support Systems (DSS) are now mostly computer and internet-based information systems that can create and assess management alternatives, as well as facilitate knowledge
For all categories of decision support systems, research has demonstrated and substantiated reduced decision cycle time, increased employee productivity and more timely information for decision making. The time savings that have been documented from using computerized decision support are …
Decision Support Systems The Uses, Pros And Cons Uses of DSS. Being used by knowledge workers, it is possible to consider using decision support systems in any knowledge domain. In fact, they are so widespread that people don't consider that they are using DSS. The spreadsheet is a simple DSS that is very commonly used in many different situations!
EFFECTS OF GROUP DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS IACIS 2002 397 On the whole, two out of the three conclusions from the success at IBM, that is No. 1: effectiveness of GDSS and No. 3: the improvement of quality of decision, have strong, though not 100%, support from other researchers. When the second conclusion of time efficiency is
Group Support Systems (GSS), originally called Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS), emerged in the 1980s. GSS is defined as an interactive computer-based system that facilitates the solution of unstructured problems by a set of decision makers working together as a group. It consists of hardware, software, people and procedures , . It is also ...Cited by: 61
Decision Support Systems have evolved over the past three decades from simple model-oriented systems to advanced multi-function entities. During the 1960’s, most Decision Support Systems were fairly based on powerful (and expensive) mainframe computers which …
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)were referred to as a Group Support System (GSS) or anelectronic meeting systemsince they shared similar foundations. However today’s GDSS is characterised by being adapted for a group of people who collaborate to support integratedsystems thinkingfor complex decision making.
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