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Both I2C and SMBus are supported here. You will need this for hardware sensors support, and also for Video For Linux support. If you want I2C support, you should say Y here and also to the specific driver for your bus adapter(s) below. This I2C support can also be built as a module. If so, the module will be called i2c-core. Option: I2C_CHARDEV
The Linux Kernel 4.12.0 The Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide ... I 2 C and SMBus Subsystem ... The Linux I2C programming interfaces support only the master side of bus interactions, not the slave side. The programming interface is structured around two kinds of …
The Linux Kernel 4.19.0 Linux kernel licensing rules; The Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide ... Controllers that support I2C can also support most SMBus operations, but SMBus controllers don’t support all the protocol options that an I2C controller will. There are functions to perform various SMBus protocol operations, either ...
What about this i2c SVN repository hosted on That repository holds a modified version of the Linux 2.4 i2c subsystem, which was needed to use lm-sensors on Linux 2.4. It has nothing to do with the current i2c development. For Linux 2.6 and 3, the development happens directly in the Linux kernel tree, there is no external repository.
Dec 01, 2003 · The 2.4 kernel contains a bit of I2C support, mainly for some video drivers. With the 2.6 kernel, a large portion of the I2C code has made it into the main kernel tree, thanks to the effort of a number of kernel developers who changed the interfaces to be more acceptable to the kernel …
Maintainer for the Linux kernel RTC subsystem Co-Maintainer of kernel support for Atmel ARM processors - Kernel, drivers and embedded Linux - Development, consulting, training and support - 2/1
Support for I2C bus multiplexing was written by Rodolfo Giometti and Michael Lawnick with the help of Jean Delvare. It was first available in kernel version 2.6.36. Summary of Implementation . This implementation lets the I2C core handle multiplexed I2C bus topologies by presenting each multiplexed segment as an independent I2C adapter.
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