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May 13, 2011 · One of the most challenging times in our lives occurs when someone we love is in a coma and on life support. It can be excruciating if you are the one that needs to make the decision, or even observe the decision being made, regarding when to remove the life support.
Feb 09, 2017 · What Does it Mean to be on Life Support? February 09, 2017. Rumi Khan, MD ... The deep coma may impair their ability to breath adequately, necessitating the use of temporary mechanical ventilation for the duration of surgery. This is one way to use mechanical ventilation and this use is not necessary for life support.
Life support keeps the body alive by doing the work of bodily functions that are failing. WebMD explains what life support includes, when it's needed, and when it might be stopped.
Doctor answers on Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and More: Dr. Williams-Murphy on coma life support: There are too many factors that would determine this, not simply the creatinine number. There are many patients with a creatinine of 6 who do not yet require dialysis, as well as those with a lower number who do. This is something best discussed with your nephrologist. for topic: Coma Life Support
Jun 24, 2015 · Whichever way you look at it, pain and suffering is a common denominator in a battle regarding life support. Even the patient is likely to be suffering as well. This is why family and relatives of the patient should look into the pros and cons of life support before making a decision to have it carried out. List of the Pros of Life Support. 1.
Oct 21, 2010 · They usually require no life support other than a feeding tube as their brain stem which controls bodily functions such as breathing will remain intact. Diagnosis and Treatment. Normally coma is a result of bilateral damage (damage to both sides) to the reticular formation of the hindbrain, an area used in our basic functions.
Life support means feeding tubes, intravenous drips, mechanical respiration, heart/lung bypass, urinary catheterisation and dialysis. Two main complications can occur: infections at the points where intravenous lines and drains enter the body, and the problems associated with long periods of immobility.Author: Luis Villazon
During a coma, a person is unresponsive to his or her environment. ... People in comas are looked after in an intensive care unit and may often require full life support until their situation ...
Dec 03, 2016 · In those circumstances it’s not necessarily a breathing problem that’s leading to an induced coma and to mechanical ventilation and it’s more of an assessment of an overall critical or catastrophic clinical situation where complications are to be expected and therefore mechanical ventilation, a breathing tube and the induced coma are life ...
Oct 01, 2019 · What is Life Support? ... my friend is on life support and in a coma. please pray for her and hope she survives this. she's my best friend in the world. she's only 14 and the doctors doubt she will make it, but with the power of prayer and jesus it could possibly change so please pray. please.
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