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What can I do to mnimize the impact of a support thats really bad/trolling when I'm ADC? Sometimes I get supports that just die to every blitz or thresh hook, and I have no idea what to do to stop that from happening. Last game my thresh was missing every relic shield last hit, so I started trying t
Anyway, I've been wondering how the experienced support mains handle the really "bad adc problem" in the early to middlle game (which seems to be a combination of: poor last hitting; not taking the odd poke on the enemy support/adc; playing out of position; taking risks or not reading that the support has set up a potential kill; and/or not ...
Support: what to do with a bad ADC. MathewBarker (NA) ... **Culture** Here you’ll find all sorts of discussions related to playing League of Legends. From discussions about your personal strategies, to speculation about the next champion or patch, if it’s about playing the game, it goes here. This is not a Board for gameplay bugs, please ...
Sep 06, 2012 · A good support with a bad ADC will make a bad ADC. A bad support with a good ADC will make a bad ADC, and a bad of both will make a terrible ADC…
This has got to be the #1 reason why people hate support: if the ADC is trash, it makes for a horrible laning experience, and undoubtedly causes the other ADC to get fed. Arguments ensue over who's fault it is, objectives are lost in the confusion, and no one ends up having any fun at all. So as a support, what can be done about bad ADCs?
What to do as a support when your adc is just bad? I'm a semi support main, and two of my favorite champs are supports, but I hate the feeling of losing games because my carry doesn't know when to trade when to let me harass, or is just bad.
Oct 01, 2018 · ADC champion picks: Lucian, Jinx, Tristana. All of these champions are good in extended trades and good in team fights. Support Picks: Pyke, Nami, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Alistar. You need to play a Support that can abuse the enemy’s mistakes. Tips for laning: When laning with a Hyper Carry, you need to get an advantage in the lane as quickly as ...
NOTE: I am no god at ADC, i main it, i am not the best, but im not the worst. I do not claim to be some pro ADC player that is a know it all, far from the truth. Was just playing a Normal game, Had what he claimed to be a ' 2nd time janna, new to support ' I can deal with new supports, bu
good support and bad adc, the opposite is why 100T is in the dumpster. Even if Bang wants to carry, he can't even win lane without Aphromoo. A bad Adc can still at least throw out skillshots and occasionally auto, so just put him on some easy shit and carry him.
Bad supp will drag his adc and cause lane to be 1v2 or even 1v3. Bad adc will remain bad even if he will eventually scale up, so good support might in this case help to win other lanes and make juicy plays in teamfights. So overall having bad supp is worse
Apr 23, 2018 · TIRED OF SUPPORTING BAD CARRIES?! BECOME THE CARRY! ADC Karma -Off Meta Monday - League of Legends ... Play League of Legends for free here ... Bard Support - Digging for ...Author: TwigerLoL
Nov 10, 2014 · hi everybody, i'm playing support for a while, and since lvl 25 i'm getting queued with extremely bad adc and junglers who always fails with ganking. i wondered how you could carry your adc and jungler as support (thresh or janna for example).
Supports leaving lane because adc is bad. Close • Posted by 3 minutes ago. Supports leaving lane because adc is bad. Why do support literally leave their lane minute 10 to go play duo mid or top? ... This is a subreddit devoted to League of Legends. 3.7m. Hiding in alcoves. 22.9k. Executed by Elder Buff. Created Jan 13, 2010.
Support is the role in LoL that demands overall game understanding. Support champions are high utility champions that create advantages and opportunities for their teammates to capitalize on. A skilled support gives their team the edge it needs to claim victory, and can turn the tide of …
Oct 16, 2013 · ADC is a difficult role. It is the only role in the game where you are guaranteed to always be up against 2 or more opponents at a time -- and if you are too aggressive you'll get burned, if your support isn't on their toes you're going to get burned, and if you let your opponent have an edge, they'll push that lead for the rest of the game.
It depends, I like to choose a support based on the ADC early game play, if the ADC is squishy, let's say for example Ezreal, I'm more likely to pick Soraka or Sona to sustain him on lane. But, if you have a more sustainable ADC, you can pick a more aggressive support like Leona, Nunu or Zyra.. Another thing to observe is the synergy of Support/ADC level, Leona has her Q,W and E ready by level ...
Checking the stats before the game you can generally tell you got someone who doesnt play ADC or sucks at it. So what champs are there that can carry a bad adc? I'm thinking maybe Brand, as you can pretty much solo the enemy ADC as Brand and do tons of damage.
Support Tier List 10.2 • LoL Tier List view what the Best Support Champion Tier List Picks in the LoL Meta. Protect your ADC in lane and Carry as Support.
May 06, 2014 · 9 things that piss off support players in League of Legends ... 9 things that piss off support players in League of Legends. ... If you’re going to play ADC, learn about support …
Apr 17, 2017 · Designed a video that will let you see how much of a good, bad or average ADC you are in Season 7! Spent a lot of time on this so let me know what you think and leave a like if you do.
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