Find all needed information about Lol Weird Support Champions. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Lol Weird Support Champions.
Apr 21, 2015 · Weird but amazing support champions people don't play! Forum > League of Legends discussion board > Weird but amazing support champions people don't play! The rich text editor does not work with JavaScript switched off.
But what is it with these people who pick champions like anivia and ahri as a support? It's not like you dont know how to play support because you picked it as your first or second role. I have had such weird support picks now and we mostly lose because we have 1 sort of troll or we win but not because we have such a great support.
The beginner's guide to weird-ass supports. The beginner's guide to weird-ass supports. ... [champion] onto the team"? Well for example, before he was reworked, my *favourite* support champion was Shen, which I played relentlessly long before the buffs that actually made the pros play him competitively (yes, I literally did play Shen ...
Jan 30, 2019 · Our League of Legends: Best Support Champions 2020 guide explains how to play support and pick the strongest support for your team. Just as it is in so many other competitive games, the support player in League of Legends can often find themselves feeling somewhat under-appreciated by …
Sep 20, 2013 · My favorite weird support experience was when a lower picking champ decided to Troll and grab yi for jungle, leaving nobody to support. grabbed heal and exhaust and rolled with Rammus to go support. We pwned the other team at bot lane. Funnest game Ihave played in a long time. Is it …
Oct 20, 2013 · Lissandra is a nice support because you have lots of cc and you can spam spells because of your passive but its kinda like support fiddlesticks,you have to build a zhonyas at some point of the game.Orianna is a great support too because she has a lot of utility, her ult can change fights even without doing crazy damage by itself,while her aa hurts and she has also zoning potential.
Sep 20, 2011 · Please comment! As all of you might know, there is a new support for pro games: Gangplank. While this seems weird, it actually works quite well because Gangplank has a great team steroid, a self-heal, can add some damage with Parrrley and slow with it, …
Dec 11, 2016 · What's up guys. I want to make some untraditional support champion guides. After you've watched this leave a comment if you have any thoughts on the various champions. Shen, Trundle, Zilian ...Author: AveunUK
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