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A Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions. Hans Sassenburg SE-CURE AG, Software is everywhere and has become a major worldwide industry. We find software embedded, for example, in watches, coffee makers,cars, televisions, airplanes, telephones, reservation systems, and medicalequipment.
A Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions Hans Sassenburg Software Engineering Institute, Germany Abstract A relatively unexplored area in the field of software management is the implementation or release decision, deciding whether or not a software product can be transferred from its development phase to operational use.Cited by: 1
The results are used in a proposed methodology to improve strategic software release decisions, characterized by the existence of large prospective financial loss outcomes, including the presence ...
It is a trade-off between an early release, to capture the benefits of an earlier market introduction, and the deferral of product release, to enhance functionality, or improve quality. In this research project software release decisions are researched from three perspectives: economics, decision-making and software …
Decision-making perspective: process, type, models Figure 3-1: Identified Perspectives for Software Release Decisions The three disciplines involved are: Software Management. The study focuses on the decision-making process for software products. Opposed to physical goods, software has unique characteristics as information goods (Varin 2000).
software release decisions match the characteristics of the Harrison (1987) Process Model and it was confirmed that such decisions require a formal decision-making process or methodology. In this Chapter, these conclusions are used to define a framework for the methodology to be designed, called the Release Decision Methodology.
A relatively unexplored area in the field of software management is the implementation or release decision, deciding whether or not a software product can be transferred from its development phase to operational use. Many software manufacturers have difficulty in determining the right moment to release their software products. It is a trade-off between an early release, to capture the benefits ...Cited by: 1
A methodology to support software release decisions. Full Text: PDF Get this Article: Author: Hans Sassenburg: Software Engineering Institute, Frankfurt, Germany: Published in: · Proceeding: WoSQ '06 Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Software quality Pages 63-68Cited by: 1
Design of a Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions: Do the Numbers Really Matter? Proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Economische Wetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, dr. F. Zwarts, in het openbaar te verdedigen op donderdag 5 januari 2006 om 16.15 uur door
A relatively unexplored area in the field of software management is the implementation or release decision, deciding whether or not a software product can be transferred from its development phase to operational use. Many software manufacturers have difficulty in determining the ‘right’ moment to release their software products.Author: Johannes Anthony Sassenburg
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