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Nov 04, 2015 · The Moon is made of a material that would probably make for a very good soil, and there's a surprising amount of water frozen on the surface. The hard part is that it probably couldn't retain an atmosphere and it has no magnetic field. Mars has ...
6 Most Likely Places for Alien Life in the Solar System. By Seth ... but across our solar system there are some tantalizing possibilities for primitive life to find a haven. Some moons of Jupiter ...
Jun 24, 2011 · That's one small step for microbes, one giant leap for mankind's search for extraterrestrial life. NASA's Saturn-exploring Cassini spacecraft has gathered new evidence that conditions on Enceladus, one of Saturn's 53 named moons, could support life, said Dr. Carolyn Porco, leader of the Cassini Imaging Team at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
The habitability of natural satellites is a measure of the potential of natural satellites to have environments hospitable to life. Habitable environments do not necessarily harbor life. Planetary habitability is an emerging study which is considered important to astrobiology for several reasons, foremost being that natural satellites are predicted to greatly outnumber planets and that it is ...
Life on other Planets and Moons in the Solar System. At present the only planet or moon that is known to support life in The Solar System is Earth. It is not to say that life doesn't or ever existed on other planets and moons, its just we've not finished checking everywhere yet and have not found any evidence yet.
Jupiter may have two moons capable of supporting life as we know it. Like its famous neighbor Europa, the huge Jovian satellite Ganymede might have an ocean of liquid water in contact with a rocky ...
Oct 16, 2011 · The moon does not support life for a few reasons: One being that it has no oxygen which is required for life (as we know it, anyways). Two because it has no water which is also required for life.'s_moons_support_life
Can Saturns moons support life? In theory they could, but a gas-giant like Saturn gives of intense doses of radiation every second, and the the sheer amount of it could kill you in a few seconds.
Jupiter cannot support life as we know it. More Info: There are several factors that make life as we know it on Jupiter impossible. Jupiter is a massive gas giant, which means that the atmospheric pressure reaches extremely high levels.
May 31, 2018 · Both Jupiter and Saturn have lots of moons, and some of them like Europa could possibly support life. But they're hindered greatly by the fact …
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