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The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant (R13) is to support high quality conferences that are relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating Institutes and Centers
The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant (R13) is to support high quality conferences that are relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating Institutes and Centers.
Sep 21, 2018 · Conference Grant Information Investigators may apply for NIH-funded scientific conference grants to support high-quality national and international meetings that are relevant to public health and the NCATS mission.
Support for conferences is contingent on programmatic alignment with the scientific priorities of the NIMH and the availability of funds. Advanced permission to submit an application is required for all conference grant applications including new, resubmission, and revision applications.
As stated in the Conference Grant FOA, it is expected that organizers of NIH-supported conferences and scientific meetings take steps to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all attendees by providing an environment free from discrimination and harassment, sexual or otherwise. consistent with Federal civil rights laws, NOT-OD-15-152, Civil Rights Protections in NIH-Supported Research, Programs, Conferences …
Funds for research conference support are provided through grant awards following competitive review. Applicants must obtain prior permission before submitting an application, per the general R13 guidelines (active funding opportunities available here). This prior contact with NIDCD staff also allows potential applicants to discuss programmatic and budgetary issues before preparing an application, as funds allotted for conference support …
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