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"rowset does not support fetching backward" All answers I can find suggest the cursor type as the problem, but I have changed this as far as I can tell. Apologies for the long code, I felt it …
Try to set "CursorLocation" property of your record set to "adUseClient" (before opening the recordset). This might fix the problem. It might also fix the problem of recordcount showing up as -1'Rowset-does-not-support-fetching-backward'.html
Find answers to Movelast gives 'Rowset does not support fetching backward' from the expert community at Experts Exchange
Jan 01, 2020 · Rowset does not support fetching backward. I have read a few things on this, but the suggestions they give don't work. I have changed the CursorType to adOpenKeyset. I entering adOpenStatic even adOpenDynamic to no avail. I have not change any of the other numbers becuase I don't really know what they would need changed to. What am I doing wrong?
Nov 03, 2013 · You are not connection through ODBC, you are using OLEDB. "Rowset does not support fetching backwards" "I have tried an rstMe.RecordCount at the point of error, and it says the recordcount is -1" While you may be asking for adOpenDynamic, you are aren't getting it ... as indicated by the -1 for the RecordCount.
May 23, 2002 · Rowset does not support fetching backward Rowset does not support fetching backward stnkyminky (Programmer) (OP) 23 May 02 09:30. What are the settings for the CursorType and CursorLocation inorder to do a rs.movelast? (ADO) ... It must be your database provider which does not support movelast. Glyn. RE: Rowset does not support fetching ...
"Rowset does not support fetching backward" However, if I comment out the parts of code to do with the command object, and just simply call the stored procedure …
Jan 16, 2004 · Hello there, I'm getting this error when trying to get the last record in a recordset using rs.MoveLast "Rowset does not support fetching
Mar 11, 2014 · The rowset does not support fetching backwards I've found the same answer all over the place but I can't implement the suggestions and have my code work . …
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