Find all needed information about Nswindow Does Not Support Utility Style Mask 0x10. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Nswindow Does Not Support Utility Style Mask 0x10.
NSUtilityWindowMask is a bit (0x10) in the styleMask property of a NSPanel which is not supported by NSWindow.. If you have created this in an xib, then you should be able to change the custom class to NSPanel, uncheck the utility mask checkbox and then change it back. If you did it in code, (or are changing the styleMask property in code) make sure that you are not setting bit 0x10 of styleMask.
A window that uses NSWindow Style Mask Borderless can’t become key or main, unless the value of can Become Key Window or can Become Main Window is YES. Note that you can set a window’s or panel’s style mask to NSWindow Style Mask Borderless in Interface Builder by deselecting Title Bar in the Appearance section of the Attributes inspector.
NSWindow does not support utility styleMask 0x10 mac应用实现全屏的体验 分类: ios & cocoa workhardupc100 发布于: 2012-10-20
NSPanel是有utility这个style的,而NSWindow没有 , 先将这个window的class改成NSPanel,然后再将style改成regular,然后删除class名字NSPanel, 则自动变成NSWindow,这样就不会有警告了。 ... 爱悠闲 > NSWindow does not support utility styleMask 0x10. NSWindow does not …
Nov 30, 2007 · NSWindow does not support utility styleMask 0x10 I fiddled with the window settings, and tried a new window - same issue. So, I created a new outlet, dragged a NSWindow out of the palette, connected it to a NSWindowController outlet, and when the NIB was loaded, I …
Although the NSWindow class inherits the NSCoding protocol from NSResponder, the class does not support coding. Legacy support for archivers exists but its use is deprecated and may not work. Any attempt to archive or unarchive a window object using a keyed coding object raises an invalid Argument Exception exception.
A window that uses NSWindow Style Mask Borderless can’t become key or main, unless the value of can Become Key or can Become Main is true. Note that you can set a window’s or panel’s style mask to NSWindow Style Mask Borderless in Interface Builder by deselecting Title Bar in the Appearance section of the Attributes inspector.
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