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Returns a string representation of this CompositeDataSupport instance. The string representation consists of the name of this class (ie, the string representation of the composite type of this instance, and the string representation of the contents (ie list the itemName=itemValue mappings).
Returns a string representation of this CompositeDataSupport instance. The string representation consists of the name of this class (ie, the string representation of the composite type of this instance, and the string representation of the contents (ie list the itemName=itemValue mappings).
Package Description Provides the open data types and Open MBean descriptor classes. An Open MBean is an MBean where the types of attributes and of operation parameters and return values are built using a small set of predefined Java classes.
CompositeDataSupport public CompositeDataSupport(CompositeType compositeType, String[] itemNames, Object[] itemValues) throws OpenDataException. Constructs a CompositeDataSupport instance with the specified compositeType, whose item values are specified by itemValues[], in the same order as in itemNames[].
How to iterate in wlst. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. ... ...
This constructor converts the keys to a string array and the values to an object array and calls CompositeDataSupport(, java.lang.String[], java.lang.Object[]). Parameters: compositeType - the composite type of …
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