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Get answers to your burning queries with our help and support page. Ask questions, get started, manage your account or get device trouble shooting tips.
No matter your business size, Optus is here to help. Contact us over the phone or online with our 24/7 chat for Business Care customers.
Type in a keyword for the fastest way to get support through FAQs, How-to Guides and more. All support Prepaid Mobile Post-Paid Mobile Home Phone DSL Broadband Cable Broadband Prepaid Mobile Broadband Post-Paid Mobile Broadband Optus TV feat.
Technical Support with Optus is a joke!! We had a storm go through our area around 6pm last night. After a particularly loud clap of thunder, I noticed that the modem lights shut off & when they came back on, the power light & wi fi light were on, but the DSL light was blicking on & off consistently & there was no internet light at all.
Talk to web chat specialists that can help you with on boarding, service and technical support. ... Available to eligible residential customers who connect the services in the same name and address to the Optus DSL Direct, Optus Cable or Optus NBN networks. You must pre-select Optus as both your local and long distance carrier.
Optus One comes with dedicated support & Network Priority. A complete plan with 500GB and generous inclusions for home and when you travel. Save $408 with a 24 mth 4G Wireless Broadband plan. Choose internet that works at home or on the go with a 4G Wireless Broadband plan and save 20% on plan fees. Enjoy simple setup and no wait for ...
Unfortunately, on Monday I woke up to no internet without changing anything. The DSL light was solid and stable and the Internet light on the modem was completely off. ... Is there a way to go straight to the Optus technical support without going through 10 phone menu options taking 5 minutes? 27-07-2017 ... Modem DSL light on but Internet ...
Ts & Cs *Premium Support: Excludes Optus DSL, Mobile Broadband and Fleet mobile services. Available when you either bundle your mobile and consumer–grade broadband and office line service or when you sign up to a $125 My Plan Business plan (min over 24 months is $3,000) or when you have 3 or more eligible mobile and/or fixed services on the one account with an ABN or ACN.
Optus customer service & technical support. To report damaged equipment or if you have a serious concern about Optus equipment that is a threat to public safety, call their helpline at 1800 505 777 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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