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About Optus - Mobile If you're here looking up Optus - Mobile customer care, you probably already know who they are. But it helps to get an idea of how big they are and what their support operation looks like if you are a customer. They employ less than 50 people according to customers in the know.
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Optus - Mobile doesn't have an online help desk for customer service, but you can call them on the phone. In total, you can communicate with Optus - Mobile using 2 different media: phone, email. And again, if you didn't realize it was an option and you'd rather have a dialog with somebody, you can actually phone them.
The next best way to talk to their customer support team, according to other Optus - Mobile customers, is by telling GetHuman about your issue above and letting us find somebody to help you. Besides calling, the next favorite option for customers looking for help is via [email protected] for Customer Service.
The best phone number for Optus - Mobile is their 1300 300 937 customer service phone number, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding the link for it above and clicking it.
Call Optus customer service via contact number 1800 780 219. Call the connection service provided by our contact directory.
Call us using your Teletypewriter (Mobile customers call 1800 123 124. Home Phone, Internet and Optus TV customers call 1800 500 002. TTY users please note that the emergency TTY number is 106).
No matter your business size, Optus is here to help. Contact us over the phone or online with our 24/7 chat for Business Care customers.
Optus One comes with dedicated support & Network Priority. A complete plan with 500GB and generous inclusions for home and when you travel. Save $408 with a 24 mth 4G Wireless Broadband plan. ... Optus Choice. Our mobile plans have generous …
Optus One comes with dedicated support & Network Priority. A complete plan with 500GB and generous inclusions for home and when you travel. Save $408 with a 24 mth 4G Wireless Broadband plan. ... Optus Choice. Our mobile plans have generous data value and unlimited standard national talk and text.
Acting as a phone retailer, They also sells and leases various brands of mobile handsets which can be used on their mobile networks. To find out more, the Optus customer services number can connect you with a customer support agent to solve your queries. Optus deals in a range of internet services.
The fastest way to contact Optus - Mobile, the best Optus - Mobile phone number available and their other best contact information, with tools and instructions for skipping the wait and resolving your issue quickly, as well as tips for specific popular customer service issues and reviews, advic...
While Optus - Mobile does not offer live chat, they do have a phone number. In total, there are 2 ways to get in touch with them. The best phone number for Optus - Mobile is their 1300 300 937 customer service phone number, and you can get the details and use our free call-back service by finding the link for it above and clicking it.
Customer help on Optus home products and services. Questions and answers on billing and accounts, home phone, mobile phone and internet related topics.
Call us on 133 937 if you are an Optus customer with a medically certified life-threatening condition and you require an Optus service fault to be fixed as a priority. Find out more about our Optus Special Assistance Service. Customers with Teletypewriters. Call us using your Teletypewriter (Mobile customers call 1800 123 124.
I can't seem to make contact with a real person in Optus Customer Support; I've made 4 calls and ended up in dead ends where Optus has hung up on me with that nauseatingly friendly 'Thank you for calling Optus, good bye now' after stringing me along for so many minutes, leading me nowhere and fixing...
Feedback & Complaints - Optus
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