Pet Grief Support Hotlines

Find all needed information about Pet Grief Support Hotlines. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Pet Grief Support Hotlines.

Pet Loss Grief Support Hot Lines, Helplines and Groups ...
    (Note: Support for pet loss, grief, and bereavement is very different from, and not to be confused with, professional counseling and therapy [psychotherapy.] Be aware that people who provide the valuable service of pet loss support vary greatly in their training, education, experience, and expertise.).

Pet Loss and Grief Resources - Hotline Lap of Love
    The lifeline offers 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress. MENTAL HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Pet loss can trigger difficult emotional responses that warrant professional help which is beyond the scope and training of our Pet Loss Hotline. While we provide compassionate support, we are unable to evaluate human mental health issues ... - Pet Loss Phone Support
    Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital Pet Loss Support Services. Providing free pet loss support groups in the Portland, Oregon area since 1986. 24 hour message line (503) 234-2061. Long distance calls will be returned collect. E-mails can be sent to grief counselor, Director of Pet Loss Support Services, Enid Traisman, MSW at etjournl@teleport ...

Pet Loss Hotlines and Online Resources Veterinary ...
    Pet Loss Hotlines and Online Resources. We know that when one is feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to figure out where to start. ... PET LOSS HOTLINES: ... PET LOSS COUNSELORS & SUPPORT GROUPS: The following sites keep a fairly updated list of counselors and …

Compassionate and Understanding Pet Loss Support Hotlines ...
    Here are seven compassionate and understanding pet loss support hotlines you can call if you are struggling with the decision to euthanize to end their pain or need help coping with the loss of a pet.

Pet Loss Grief Resource Best Friends Animal Society
    Below are a number of resources to help you cope if you are grieving the loss of a pet. HOTLINES AND SUPPORT GROUPS FOR COPING WITH GRIEF OVER THE DEATH OF A DOG, CAT OR OTHER PET Grief Healing: This website lists a number of helplines. The Pet Loss Support Page: Lists hotlines and contains many other resources.

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