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A. Preparation of perforated carbon support films and grids. 1. Prepare a 0.5% solution of FORMVAR in chloroform (make 100 mL, will use 50 mL each time). 2. Prepare a mixture of a 1:1 water/glycerol mixture (can keep a stock solution of ~50 mL).
Rave Scientific offers the HC range of Holey Carbon support films offer a pure carbon support film with a range of relatively small holes. Holey carbon films are especially suited for suspensions of viruses or nano particles.
Holey carbon films have holes of various sizes up to 100µm. In addition to providing support, the increased image contrast in the regions of the holes compared to regions of film is also of benefit. Typical applications include biological and materials science and cryo-TEM.
These holey support films can be made in the laboratory, or they can be purchased commercially. The preparation methods for most homemade holey supports involve casting a thin layer of resin such as polyvinyl formal (commercially known as Formvar ® or Vinylec ® ),...
Graphene Oxide (GO) support film is a super thin (‹1nm), naturally hydrophilic layer placed over the Holey, Lacey or Quantifoil support film on copper or gold grids. Pre-treatment of GO Support Films is unnecessary - by default, the hydrophilic surface spreads particles evenly across the grid.
Holey Carbon support films (HC range) provide a carbon support film with a range of relatively small hole sizes, particularly suited for suspensions of nano and virus like particles. They offer a cost effective solution where are a continuous film is not desirable.
The HC range of Holey Carbon support films offer a pure carbon support film with a range of relatively small holes. Holey carbon films are especially suited for suspensions of viruses or nano particles. They offer a cost effective solution where a continuous carbon film is not desirable.
The technical layout for specimen preparation using holey carbon support films was essentially the same as that using carbon films. We used the single-droplet Parafilm procedure (Harris and Agutter, 1970, Harris and Horne, 1991, Harris, 1997, Harris, 1999).Cited by: 84
QUANTIFOIL is a superior quality of holey carbon film, which facilitates the use of automation in TEM. (e.g. The National Resource for Automated Molecular Microscopy, at the Scripps Research Institute, has developed a system, called Leginon, for automatically acquiring images from a …
Pure carbon films tend to be more delicate than those with a Formvar backing and require more delicate handling during specimen preparation than most other support films. (a) Carbon Type-A: Carbon support film of 15 to 25nm thickness.
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