Quit Smoking Telephone Support

Find all needed information about Quit Smoking Telephone Support. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Quit Smoking Telephone Support.

Speak to an Expert Smokefree

    Get immediate information and answers about quitting smoking. LiveHelp is available Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time. LiveHelp also is available in Spanish. Phone 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) All states have quitlines with counselors who are trained specifically to help smokers quit.

Quit Smoking Hotline and Support for Smokers Quit.com

    1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) Calling this toll-free number will connect you directly to your state quit line. All states have quit lines in place with trained coaches who provide information and help with quitting. Specific services and hours of operation vary form state to state.

Contact Quit Smoking

    Quit Smoking Forum. Having trouble using the forum? We can help. Email: hello@quitsmoking.com. Press and Media. Need information or a quote for an article on smoking addiction? Want to contact one of our nationally recognized doctors or instructors? We'll try to respond quickly with the exact information you need. Email: pr@quitsmoking.com ...

Free telephone support to help you quit smoking

    ***For Quebec residents only*** You’d like to speak to someone to help you quit smoking? Through the I QUIT NOW helpline, quit smoking specialists are available to listen to your needs, without judgment.They’ll support you throughout the smoking cessation process, whenever required.

California Smokers Helpline Free Help to Quit Smoking

    The California Smokers’ Helpline offers free telephone counseling and materials to quit smoking, as well as free nicotine patches to eligible callers. California Smokers Helpline Free Help to Quit Smoking

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