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The excitement about stem cell research is primarily due to the medical benefits in areas of regenerative medicine and therapeutic cloning. Stem cells provide huge potential for finding treatments and cures to a vast array of medical issues:
Stem cell research has the potential to cure diseases that have touched virtually every American family. We’re committed to realizing this potential and supporting responsible research that could develop new treatments, improve public health and deliver relief to patients in America and around the world.
Stem Cells are crucial to develop organisms. They are nonspecialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells, such as blood-, brain-, tissue- or muscle-cells. Stem cells are in all of our body and lives, but are far more potent in a fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus) than in …
Human embryonic stem-cell research is not only ethical, it is an essential field to pursue to make key … Dec 29, 2014 … Stem cell research could lead to possible cures for many serious diseases and conditions, … for analyzes the pros and cons of embryonic stem cell research. Arguments For And Against Stem Cell Research.
However, proponents of stem cell research argue that because of the extent of this debate of personhood and suffering, research should be allowed simply due to a balance of odds. Stem cell research, they claim, has the potential to alleviate the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people that are living with often highly debilitating conditions.
Some believe that there’s a lot of potential in the embryonic stem cell research as only this cell has the flexibility for repairing damaged nerves, organs and tissues, and curing hundreds of deadly diseases.
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