Religions Support Gay Rights

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Faith Positions Human Rights Campaign
    Religion has been a source of both solace and suffering for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) Americans. While most LGBTQ Americans have been raised in an organized religion — and many continue to cherish their faith community — too many have been forced to leave those communities behind because of condemnation of LGBTQ people.

Where Christian churches, other religions stand on gay ...
    Dec 21, 2015 · Where Christian churches, other religions stand on gay marriage. The Supreme Court ruling earlier this year legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has continued to raise questions about how the decision will affect religious groups – especially those that remain opposed to allowing gay and lesbian couples to wed.

On LGBT issues, how can Christians disagree in a loving ...
    When asked why an LGBT person would stay in a theologically conservative faith community after coming out and dating someone, the significant responses are as follows: It’s what I believe (33 percent) It’s an expression of my faith (26 percent) Familiarity (9 percent) Connection to a community (7 percent)

Religion and Morality in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate ...
    Jul 20, 2010 · Second, many people, including some professional gay-rights activists, enthusiastically mix religion with law and politics in support of same-sex marriage. Third, the question of how marriage should be defined in law raises inescapable moral considerations that should be confronted directly.

Actually, Not All Religions Are Against Gay Marriage - MTV
    May 14, 2015 · Actually, Not All Religions Are Against Gay Marriage ... Religion and marriage equality aren’t fundamentally at odds, though. ... a group of Mormon moms have banded together to support their gay ...

Ranking religions on acceptance of ... - Religion News Service
    Religious groups have shown a wide range of reactions to U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that gay and lesbian couples have a right to marry. There are some who have applauded the decision. Others have vehemently disagreed with the ruling as an audacious attempt to redefine marriage.

Do any religions actually genuinely accept LGBT people ...
    Jun 30, 2016 · And so is the case with every major world religion. For the orthodox Jewish community that rejects homosexuality, there is the progressive community standing up in support of gay rights. For every Christian carrying a “God hates Fag” cards, there …

Changing Attitudes on Same-Sex Marriage Pew Research Center
    May 13, 2019 · Support for same-sex marriage among white evangelical Protestants remains lower than it is among other religious groups. However, the share of white evangelical Protestants who support same-sex marriage has grown from 11% in 2004 to 29% today.

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