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Social factors in psychopathology: stress, social support, and coping processes. Kessler RC, Price RH, Wortman CB. Our review has focused centrally on the etiologic significance of social factors in the development of psychopathology.Cited by: 1697
trends in the field warrant that we, too, emphasize stress, support, and coping processes. Over the past decade there has been an avalanche of studies that have adopted the "stress process" hypothesis, which explains psychopathology in terms of exposure to stress and ameliorative factors (mainly social support and coping).
Structures and Processes of Social Support J. S. House, D. Umberson, and K. R. Landis Annual Review of Sociology Organizational Behavior: Where We've Been, Where We're Going Charles A. O'Reilly, III Annual Review of Psychology From Psychological Stress to the Emotions: A History of Changing Outlooks R. S. LazarusCited by: 1250
Structures and Processes of Social Support J. S. House, D. Umberson, and K. R. Landis Annual Review of Sociology From Psychological Stress to the Emotions: A History of Changing Outlooks R. S. Lazarus Annual Review of Psychology Social Stress: Theory and Research Carol S. AneshenselCited by: 1697
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Social factors and psychopathology: Stress, social . support and coping processes. Annual Review of Psychology, 42, 401-425. Cruz, J. and W ang, H. (2018). An Examination of the Lean Leadership ...
This study has taken steps toward understanding how social stress influences the development of emotional and behavioral problems; however, some limitations of the study exist. The current study was limited to participants’ self-report of peer stress, coping, and psychopathology.Cited by: 116
Social Support Coping Strategy Life Stressor Psychological Adjustment Social Resource These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.Cited by: 64
Aug 01, 2003 · Gender differences in social support levels and benefits were investigated in 118 male and 39 female victims of violent crime assessed for PTSD symptomatology 1 and 6 months postcrime. Within 1 month postcrime both genders reported similar levels of positive support and support satisfaction, but women reported significantly more negative responses from family and friends. …Cited by: 416
3.2 Emotions, Stress, and Well-Being ... Coyne, J. C., & Downey, G. (1991). Social factors and psychopathology: Stress, social support, and coping processes. Annual Review of Psychology ... & McCeney, M. K. (2002). Effects of psychological and social factors on organic disease: A critical assessment of research on coronary heart disease. ...
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