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Included are up-to-date findings on assessment of social support, the contribution of social support to personal relationships, its importance in personality development, applications in dealing with stressful situations, practical applications in prevention and therapeutic intervention in …Author: Barbara R. Sarason
Focuses on one of the fastest-growing areas of psychological research and application, that of social support and its relevance to socialization, development and clinical concerns. Included are up-to-date findings on assessment of social support, the contribution of social support to personal relationships, its importance in personality development, applications in dealing with stressful ...
Broad in scope, "Social Support: An Interactional View" contains integrative surveys of clinical and field studies, experimental investigations, and life-span explorations. New statistical techniques pertinent to research in social support are also presented in easily accessible terms.Cited by: 1883
Get this from a library! Social support : an interactional view. [Barbara R Sarason; Irwin G Sarason; Gregory R Pierce;] -- Focusing on the area of psychological research known as social support, this volume focuses on its relevance to socialization, development and clinical concerns. Approaches discussed include clinical ...
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Social support increased for both sexes during the follow-up period. Social support also predicted negative affect (depression and anxiety) and health complaints. Among women, those who related the most social support (younger women) also had the lowest …
Nov 01, 1990 · A theoretical view suggests that the impact of social support is based on interactions among three variables: (1) motivations and expectations of providers and recipients, (2) the nature of the relationships in which the supportive exchanges occur and (3) the type of situation at which the supportive behaviors are directed. We discuss research findings that illustrate the need for such an ...Cited by: 191
Social support is a reliable predictor of cardiovascular health, including morbidity and mortality (Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010).The stress-buffering hypothesis posits social support may be linked to health because it reduces stress appraisals or weakens the association between stress and negative health outcomes (support X stress interaction, Cohen & Wills, 1985).Cited by: 31
Abstract. Sex differences in social support have been explained in terms of gender differences in socialization and personality. The current research focused directly on the link between social support and gender variables.Cited by: 162
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