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A recent meta-analysis identified a more consistent association of perceived functional social support than of structural social support with CVD incidence and– especially–prognosis (Barth, et al., 2010). In contrast, only limited research has examined associations of social support with diabetes risk.Cited by: 17
Mental and physical health was measured at five consecutive follow-up phases (3-8). RESULTS: Social support predicted better mental health, and certain functional aspects of social support, such as higher practical support and higher levels of negative aspects in …Cited by: 54
Structural and Functional Social Support and Drug Abuse Recovery: A Comparison between Relapse and Non-relapse Groups Antover P. Tuliao Abstract This research compared the structural and functional social support of Filipino adults with substance use disorder that suffered a relapse and those that have managed to abstain.
Apr 24, 2012 · Structural/quantitative measures of social support, such as social network size and participation in group activities, have often been used to assess levels of social support (1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 17). A number of studies have also focused on the relational content of social interactions using functional measures ( 3 , 7 , 15 ), such as emotional or ...Cited by: 173
In contrast, functional support is the subjective perception of the quality of support received. Weight loss interventions with a social support component typically attempt to manipulate structural support, yet functional support is more strongly related to health and well‐being. 5Cited by: 22
Aug 09, 2014 · Structural and functional support were related to both previously diagnosed diabetes (OR = .84 and .88, respectively) and newly recognized diabetes prevalence (OR = .84 and .83, respectively). Higher functional and structural social support are associated with lower diabetes prevalence in Hispanics/Latinos.Cited by: 17
Jul 15, 2019 · We also examined whether age modifies the association between social support and kidney function decline. We identified Jackson Heart Study (JHS) participants with baseline (Exam in 2000–2004) functional and structural social support data via the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) and social network size questions, respectively.Author: Rasheeda K. Hall, Clemontina A. Davenport, Mario Sims, Cathleen Colón-Emeric, Tiffany Washington, Je...
Structural-functional theory, or structural functionalism, views society as a system of functional and interconnected units that work together as a whole to produce a state of stability and order. Because of their interconnectedness, the individual units of society can affect each other.
Mean total charges in 1 year were higher for patients with low versus high confidant support ($232 vs. $148, P<0.05) and affective support ($244 vs. $154, P < 0.05). Poor confidant and affective support were both associated with longer visits. Structural measures of social support were not related significantly to any utilization indicator ...
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