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In your code you are defining a separate _pageContext field that you never initialize; however, by extending TagSupport you should have access to a field pageContext that JSP initializes for you automatically. Try removing the variable declaration and calling pageContext…
(12 replies) I am trying to write a custom taglib that extends the TagSupport class. At one point my implementation worked, but when upgrading to Tomcat 4.0.4, I keep getting a NullPointerException because the protected variable pageContext is null. Any clues? Is tomcat's servlet implementation no longer setting the PageContext? What gives? Or how do I get a handle to the request and/or ...
public class TagSupport extends java.lang.Object implements IterationTag, A base class for defining new tag handlers implementing Tag. The TagSupport class is a utility class intended to be used as the base class for new tag handlers.
I'm trying to use a custom taglib in a portlet application. The portlet uses Spring MVC Portlet, but I don't think that's relevant here. The tag extends TagSupport. It tries to get the HttpSession
Jul 22, 2005 · How can I get pageContext variable in a tag file? I'm trying something like. Skip navigation. ... Now if you are coding a tag class and your tag extends TagSupport, pageContext is again a protected super class variable. ... Then I'm invoking operations requiring pageContext and looks like pageContext is null => jspContext is null. What you ...
The following are top voted examples for showing how to use javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport.These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the examples you like and your votes will be used in our system to generate more good examples.
The TagSupport class is a utility class intended to be used as the base class for new tag handlers. The TagSupport class implements the Tag and IterationTag interfaces and adds additional convenience methods including getter methods for the properties in Tag.
If it finds the attribute it would assign it to Object obj else it would return Null. Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute("BeginnersBook", PageContext.SESSION_CONTEXT); Similarly the method can be used for other scopes too – Object obj = pageContext.getAttribute("BeginnersBook", PageContext.
Mar 17, 2011 · How to Create JSP Custom Tag – using Tag interface or TagSupport Author posted by Jitendra on Posted on March 17, 2011 under category Categories JAVA , JSP and tagged as Tags JSP with 2 Comments on How to Create JSP Custom Tag – using Tag interface or TagSupport
The TagSupport class is a utility class intended to be used as the base class for new tag handlers. The TagSupport class implements the Tag and IterationTag interfaces and adds additional convenience methods including getter methods for the properties in Tag.
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