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The data source does not support sorting. I have a Dynamic Data LINQ to SQL ASP.Net Website in VB.NET, and am having a little trouble with Sorting of my GridView and a Search routine I have implemented. On Page_Load, the GridView is sorted by a field (Departments.department) in ASC order.
Jul 07, 2009 · But when I run another search and hit the search button (which just refreshes the datasource of the gridview to the results) then I get the error: The data source does not support sorting. Also: In the gridview sorting event I have it reassign the select statement to the sqldata source and rebind the gridview.
"System.NotSupportedException: The data source does not support sorting" I tried a few things and considered creating an ObjectDataSource in code with the search results and then binding the GridView to that, but the answer turned out to be simple.
The data source does not support server-side data paging. What am I doing wrong? ... Data Source is not supported server side pagination. 0. ... The data source does not support server-side data paging when sorting. 1. The data source does not support server-side data paging.why? 0.
May 23, 2006 · GridView: The data source does not support sorting I have a gridview that has sorting and paging set to true. The gridview gets filled from search results, and the first time I view the results in the gridview I can sort as many times as I want with no problem.
Mar 03, 2008 · The data source ‘ods_DataSource’ does not support sorting with IEnumerable data. Automatic sorting is only supported with DataView, DataTable, and DataSet.This is because to implement sorting you must have datasource of type DataView/DataTable/DataSet.
Feb 08, 2011 · 7 replies. The data source does not support sorting. below is my code using for simple gridview and i am only having problem with the sorting and paging is working as expected and i even define the ONSorting event but it still throws me an error: The data source does not support sorting.
Jul 12, 2008 · Surprisingly, the Microsoft team didn't give good thought to any Data Source controls except SqlDataSource. The "It just works" approach just doesn't work with ObjectDataSource sorting. I like using generic lists a lot but ObjectDataSource can not sort them: " The data source 'mySource' does not support sorting with IEnumerable data.
In Windows.Forms, BindingList<T> is a better choice than List<T> but DataGridView can't sort it. Hence this. Based on MSDN code. Each comparison has 2 calls to PropertyDescriptor.GetValue, which isn't very efficient for large lists. Thanks to BR for spotting a bug with comparing nulls, and Luca for a bug when you remove and apply again.
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