Find all needed information about The Family Support Agency. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about The Family Support Agency.
Family support services are community-based services that assist and support parents in their role as caregivers. Such services can take many different forms depending on the strengths and needs of the family, but their overarching goal is to help parents enhance skills and resolve problems to promote optimal child development.
The Child Support program responsibilities include locating parents, establishing paternity, establishing child and medical support orders, monitoring and enforcing compliance with child and medical support orders, reviewing and initiating modification of support orders and distributing support collections.
We’re the oldest social service agency in Arizona, with over a century of service in the Valley. We have a deep sense of commitment to our clients and responsibility for the stewardship in which the community continues to support FSA to improve and empower the lives of the people we serve.
Providing HOPE, STRENGTH and STABILITY to Santa Barbara County children, families and seniors.
Whatever your circumstances the Child and Family Agency provide a range of services that offer advice and support to families. This includes family support workers, social workers, youth workers, family resource centres, support groups and counselling services.
We hope the information here will help you find your way along the child support road. Keep in mind: Child support is more than just money. If you would like more information, call the New Jersey Child Support Information Line, 1-877-NJKIDS1. Click here for the NJ Child Support Automated Phone System Quick Navigation Guide.
This application runs best in Internet Explorer 10 or higher or for mobile devices use the Google Chrome browser. Payment Information includes the last 13 months of payments and disbursements.
Family Support Services of North Florida (FSSNF) is the lead agency for foster care, adoption and family preservation in Duval and Nassau counties. Through community-based care, FSS provides services and programs to help prevent child abuse and neglect, to promote a healthy family environment and to care for our community's children in foster care.
Child Support Offices. Depending on the service you require, your case may be handled in one of several offices in the state. Child Support office locations are provided below. Feel free to visit the Child Support office nearest you.
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