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Antonyms for in support of include against, anti, in opposition to, opposed to, not in favor of, antagonistic to, critical of, hostile to, not for and contra. Find more opposite words at!
The opposite of support (hold up) is to undermine, destroy, or collapse. The opposite of support (help) is to neglect, oppose, or condemn.
Support antonyms. Top antonyms for support (opposite of support) are disapprove, bully and abandon.
Antonyms for support food, money, possessions for staying alive: entertainment, fun, neglect.
Support and sustain alike signify to hold up or keep up, to prevent from falling or sinking; but sustain has a special sense of continuous exertion or of great strength continuously exerted, as when we speak of sustained endeavor or a sustained note; a flower is supported by the stem or a temple-roof by arches; the foundations of a great building sustain an enormous pressure; to sustain life implies a greater …
What word could you use in place of support to make that sentence have the opposite meaning? Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to …
In support of his deposition he produced his billet de garde, dated the 8th. We must support our rights or lose our character, and with it, perhaps, our liberties. As usual, balm was on his lips, and I found encouragement and support. In supporting it, therefore, we support all that is dear to the freeman and the philanthropist.
Top antonyms for supportive (opposite of supportive) are unsupportive, unhelpful and contrary. supportive antonyms - opposite meaning - 158
Synonyms and Antonyms of support. 1. to promote the interests or cause of. though childless themselves, they support the local schools both by volunteering and by fiercely opposing funding cuts.
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