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Traveller Education Support Service. The regional Traveller Education Support Service (TESS) was established in April 2013. It is funded by DE through the Education Authority and seeks to support schools, Traveller children and young people and their families across the north of Ireland.
Oct 14, 2019 · It is important that parents support their children in school. Traveller Education Support Service staff can be contacted to provide help and advice or signposting to the appropriate service. You can also get help from your local Traveller Support Group or …
Traveller education support service. The service aims to raise the educational achievement of Traveller children and to promote Traveller culture in schools and the community. Support offered. In-service training to encourage good practice for those working with the Traveller community;
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Who can use the service Schools Families Pupils Agencies Memberships We are members of: NATT - National Association of Teachers of Travellers ACERT - Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers Further information and advice Download our Travellers policy , Related documents and links Hackney Learning Trust Travellers ...
Gypsies and travellers are a protected group under the Equality Act 2010. There are different groups of gypsies and travellers, with different historical backgrounds, culture and traditions. ... The school may contact our Traveller Education Service for support.
was the use of additional dedicated support, (for example, from Teaching Assistants, Traveller Education Support Service (TESS) staff) and curriculum learning/support. • In the 2009 survey, headteachers rated specific strategies which directly address Gypsy, Roma and Traveller attainment: ‘performance data being routinely tracked
Traveller education service Home Gypsies and Travellers Traveller education service The Wiltshire Traveller Education Service aims to improve the capacity of schools to raise the attainment, achievement and engagement of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) pupils.
That more Travellers will access Third Level Education That increased support is given to improve the capacity of Traveller parents to support their children’s (and their own) education. Education should be about liberation and P avee Point sees the T raveller Education Strategy as providing new hope for Travellers.
Jul 03, 2018 · Tros Gynnal Plant says families rely on the services to keep their children in mainstream education. Caramia, a Romany Gypsy student, said their education would "go …
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